As I was contemplating my day and the week ahead of me this morning, I found myself thinking on rest.
At first, I felt kind of like: “I am not sure I got enough chance to rest this weekend”, but then I realized, no, that’s not it. “I am not sure I am taking enough time to experience meaning in my life and in turn, rest and activity of meaning too.”
Upon hearing this truth speak from within, I sat stunned and still, taking it in. I could see clearly, that what I was feeling wasn’t really fatigue, but a craving for more of my life spent in direct connection between me and my DIVINE purpose, gift, essence, and path.
As I took this further within myself, I could see that there was a definite divide between just activity and DIVINE activity, between rest and DIVINE rest. Gay Hendricks refers to this place as our zone of Genius, the operating place where we commit to an expression of our true gift our most authentic self and all that comes with that.
It got me thinking about conversations I have with people all the time about the need for a break, for true downtime, for being uncommitted. And further about our absence of activity of meaning in many parts of our lives.
Activity of meaning is the anthesis of stress, because by definition it cannot embody stress, in fact, once we have the experience of stress, it is a sure sign that we should stop. That it is time to orient and breathe into the space we currently sit and then to find, define and recommit our orientation on what is true in that moment, and if possible to understand what is needed to place ourselves back into alignment with meaning.
It seems to me that we have a glut of activity but more rarely the experience of activity of meaning. And this is a big distinction, because just activity, just things we must or choose to occupy our time with are the root cause of stress, of being fatigued, of feeling overwhelmed and consequently disconnected.
Can I experience a life filled with activity of meaning?
This is a question I posed to myself this morning, from a place of wonder and possibility. It's not a question I have the immediate answer to, but rather, one I asked in the hope my life would thus be the answer.
That perhaps I, with the invocation of “I commit to experiencing a life filled with activity of meaning and to living in full expression of my DIVINE gifts” will be inspired to the experience in every possible way.
I invite you into your own experience, and to asking this question or maybe some poignant ones of your own which may arise out of this conversation. I also invite you to explore the commitments which might follow from those questions and to be open with wonder to the things which will emerge from being willing to ask and act.
May your life be a wonderous adventure in exploration of all of life’s great questions.
Dr. Julie
Dr. Julie is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor and Acupuncturist who focuses on helping people experience healing as an expression of our DIVINE path in life. She has been serving people throughout the world for over 14 years offering both in-person and skype/phone consultations, using a variety of methods including nutritional restoration, healing counseling, acupuncture, distance acupuncture, DNA Activation, and distance healing assessments, and therapy. If you would like to work with her
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