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Awaken Your Mind-Body Connection to End Exhaustion and Rediscover Vitality

fatigue lifeforce Apr 30, 2022

I see you, Queen, raising kids and grandkids, building a career, nurturing a home, leading others, always going, and never stopping. 


I see you exhausted but pushing through it. I see you doing all the “right” stuff to stay healthy, denying yourself the “guilty” pleasures, but never quite feeling the benefit of it. Questioning “why am I so exhausted”? But never finding an answer. 


Well, you’re in the right place, divinely guided to this spot, right now, so you can rebuild your mind-body connection and finally end your exhaustion and feel alive again. 

What is the Mind-Body Connection? 


When we were kids, our mind-body connection was an intimate and innate relationship. Our body gave us signals, and we responded to them, no matter how subtle. We trusted, unquestioningly, in our body's ability to let us know what it needed. Likewise, our body knew that we would respond and fulfill her desires.

As kids,...

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The Alchemy of Healing


Healing, for me, is a deep part of WHO I am. It’s in my very core. It’s the reason that I chose a medical specialty with such deep roots: that ingrained purpose and values permeating through it. The alchemy of healing is a magical blend of energy, intention, medicine, commitment, and community. It’s more than just popping a pill and hoping for the best. 


What is lineage and why does it matter?


On the first day of medical school, my teacher started talking about the alchemy of healing, about principles and whole patterns and a tradition of medicine that was rooted in perpetual observation and connection to the root. It blew my mind


The traditions and history of Chinese Medicine were astounding to me. With that history came a lineage that you as a learner were initiated into. Who you learned from and who they learned from has always been important in traditional societies, where people ask what your lineage is. 



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Rigidity And Perfectionism Are Making You Sick

health plan lifeforce Jan 28, 2022

Rigidity and perfectionism are preventing you from healing.  It's time to let go of your need for perfectionism and move forward in small and clumsy but flexible steps.

 I've seen so many women stuck in a place of dis-ease because they were inflexible in their beliefs or approach to healing.

Heck, I've been there myself, too.

You may not even recognize it but that need to do it perfectly or not at all, that fear of failure or getting it wrong, the refusal to invest in a course or program because you might not show up.the pressure to perform… these are all forms of rigidity. It's an inflexible approach

Most people think of rigidity as a mindset of hard-headedness. A refusal to budge on things. This can also be applied to our mind-body connection. I’ve spoken many times on how our body sends us physical signals that our emotions are out of whack or completely ignored. 

Perfectionism, rigidity, control…it puts the same amount of stress on your...

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Why Your Natural Health Plan Keeps Failing And How To Fix It

It’s no secret that your health plan didn’t work out for you. And it’s probably not the first time, either. That’s why you’re here, right? Trying to figure out where you went wrong, slipped up, or lost your mojo. But this one isn’t on you, my love. Your health plan was doomed to fail from the start and here’s why…


What exactly is a health plan? 

This may sound like a really simple question. But there are so many different health plans of them all claiming to be the best and most effective route to vitality and energy and wellness. A health plan is, essentially, a plan of action tailored to your specific health needs. 

Whether your plan includes supplements, holistic healing, Herbs, Chinese Medicine, fitness regimes…it’s all irrelevant. Generic health plans don’t cut it. You are a unique individual. Your body is a beautiful Universe unto itself. Your health plan should take into account all of YOUR...

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Is That Half Dome

lifeforce mindset Aug 30, 2021

“Is that half dome?”

I remember saying that no less than 50 times as our car wandered the roads of yosemite park when I was 12.  Every mountain face, every rock outcrop, I would ask, “is that half dome”

Of all the attractions, that one had this name, and had been described as so memorable, so powerful, I assumed it was the whole reason for the trip.

So as we wound through near impossible beauty, the tall trees, the towering mountains, the random waterfalls cascading down the sides of canyons...I just kept asking “is that half dome”

Then we got there and to be honest, it was a huge rock cleaved in half...the first impression was “oh, ok, so, that’s it?????”

I think of that moment and laugh, because those words are the biggest thing I remember about that family vacation, well, that and the neon pink knee high socks I wore in most of the photos…

But, I wonder now, as I ponder how many times I have missed the journey for...

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Which Mineral Do I Need?

lifeforce Aug 23, 2021

I got a message from a woman the other day saying I have anxiety,  depression, and other things going on in my body, but can you tell me why would my eye Twitch for the last four months? Is it a particular nutrient I need, a particular mineral?

Questions like these just make my heart hurt because the reality is that reductionist line of thinking keeps us so stuck.  

This drug model says, Oh, we just need to give this one drug for that symptom. 

But the model that recognizes the divinity, the complexity, the magic of your body says, this is just one of many experiences that your body is generating in order to get you to pay attention. 

We have to ask: 

What's really going on here?

What's happening in your body? 

Why is this your experience? 

How does that link to your emotions?

How does that link to the wholeness of self? 

This model of reductionism keeps us locked in these little boxes, and I'm not just talking with your health. I will...

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How To Save Thousands And Decades

lifeforce Aug 02, 2021

Here are some of the stories I have heard in the past few weeks:

Seeing a top functional med doctor who ran thousands in tests, didn't have an explanation for why this woman felt so horrible, but pushed 1000.00 worth of supplements without a good explanation as to what the goal was and then got angry that this woman wanted more info, and wasn't satisfied with the answer of: “we hope to change how you feel with these, but, can't totally explain why you are always so tired”.

Another woman who has been told it is: EBV, Mold, her gut, her mental state and unknown as to why she has been exhausted for 10 plus years.

Another who has spent 100K over 10 years and has yet to reach the root cause, done parasite cleansing, IV chelation, gut cleanses, cut most foods, taken thyroid, tons of supplements and had surgery...but still doesn't feel like herself.

Another who hasn't slept well in ages, has been told she needs to eat walnuts at night, and maybe if they ran a whole battery of...

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Time Post

lifeforce mindset Jul 26, 2021

“There’s a myth that time is money. In fact, time is more precious than money. It’s a nonrenewable resource. Once you’ve spent it, and if you’ve spent it badly, it’s gone forever.” ~ Neil A. Fiore

Consider this, in context of how much time is being lost being too tired to play,  adventure, have great sex, be absolutely present with your kids and grandkids, to follow your passions, to be alive. 

Time passed doesn't return, those hours and days and years, they aren't waiting for you when things finally get sorted out. 

My heart breaks daily for all the women who have convinced themselves that they are almost there, just have to get that one magic ingredient, that perfect alignment to their diet and so on.

It breaks because I have personally had women reach out a year after first contacting me....worse off than 12 months ago, and in that time, nothing got done but basics.  You know the place, where the dishes got done a few...

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Do You Want More?

Do you wait to pray only when things are bad? Or do you honor the connection to God/Creator/Spirit all the time? 

I ask because it also bears asking do you reserve self care, good food, self love, rest and time off only for when you feel bad? Or do you celebrate your life, your body and your place in this world with those things daily?

We tend to reserve care for self for when it has become undeniable...a headache, an illness, when we can no longer get off the couch, when our pain, depression, or anxiety has reached a point where it cannot be ignored, and then, we stop, rest, take a break, bow out of commitments, call off work, tell people no.


One of the key aspects of how we get exhausted is that we reserve our love of self for when it is convenient or undeniable, and serve all others needs ahead of our own.  But, this model sucks!

Excuse my language, but if you have been saying yes to everyone around you before saying yes to you and you are suffering, isn’t it...

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Remorse Free Living...Yes, It's a thing

lifeforce mindset Jul 12, 2021

Can we talk about Desire?

You know that desire you have to feel better?  That itch you get for what life could be like? That sensation you crave where you wake up and are excited for the day or the surge of life you feel when inspiration hits and you can’t wait to enact the next steps of your DIVINE plan?

How many times have you felt that and then had to numb it out or turn your back to it? How many times have you convinced yourself that it isn’t time, will be too expensive, will be too time consuming, people won’t understand, or even began to question you...are you really capable of change, can you have that, do you deserve that?

Our doubting voices are toxic, those saboteurs who rob us of so many experiences, so much life.  We tend to live life based on them, we decide according to their beliefs, we act according to their limitations, and it shows, the number of us living lives that are ¼ or less of what we desire is staggering and growing daily....

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