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Are Your Words Making You Sick?

Uncategorized Sep 26, 2014

Do you speak to your body in ways that will enhance your health?  I doubt many have spent much time considering this question, but everyone should!  Our words have a profound impact, not just on others but on our own organs and cells too.  Many traditions speak spiritually of using your words wisely, as they cannot ever be taken back, but often we extend our understanding of these teachings to apply only in the spiritual realm, never realizing that the same can be said for how we speak to ourselves.  A very good friend of mine, Angelique Sanchez reminded me of this recently when she spoke of the ways she hears people speak about their bodies.

 As a massage therapist, she works on bare tissue, and consequently, sometimes she gets a revealing insight as to how people feel about their bodies, and often it is not kind. Many get lost in their dislike of how they look, unintentionally saying things like “I just don’t like my thighs” or “Don’t look at my fat stomach” or “I’ll feel good when I lose this last 10 pounds.”  Although her clients may not know this, as she is working on each person, she is doing it from a place of love and compassion, reminding your cells, muscles and even your fat that all of it is beautiful and all capable of being strong, healthy and amazing!

Pointing out a key detail of how we remain and how we get healthy. Our voice, spoken or silent has a profound impact on what happens to our cells. Studies on DNA have shown that words and emotions of love, compassion, joy, and happiness further enhance the twist of the DNA helix, strengthening it. Whereas words of hate, depression, anger, fear, and unhappiness cause the helix to begin to unwind.  Emotions and words literally impact our deepest expression of ourselves; our DNA.

Think about this, what we say creates observable physical and consequently biological changes to our bodies.  If we exist in a constant state of negative experience, so do our cells.  Can thinking positively heal cancer or eliminate chronic pain?  Maybe, maybe not, but based on the DNA research, being able to adopt a positive or optimistic outlook most of the time has a dramatic effect on our health.  This is corroborated by studies of the factors common to those who live to 100, in almost every case, individuals report never getting too worked up even when things went horribly wrong, they tried to adopt an outlook of ease. 

Our self language has a dramatic and measurable impact on how our bodies function.  From the simple discussion of how we look to our interpretation and voiced experience of our daily life-shifting into an adopted positive outlook will enhance any other therapies we choose to support and heal our bodies.

**Angelique Sanchez and her business Be Present Massage can be found inside Seven Directions or at www.bepresentmassage.biz*

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