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Are you spending your retirement right now?

Uncategorized Dec 16, 2018

Are you spending your retirement right now?

I don't actually even mean financially. That may be true too, but I'm not talking about that.

Are you spending the years of your nineties and eighties right at this moment, living your forties and fifties and sixties? Let me explain.

Do you find yourself running on reserves most of the time? Feeling that the energy you're drawing from is definitely not today's because you didn't feel that energy today.

If you have chronic health problems, if you have borderline diabetes or diabetes type two, if you have hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease, signs of Adrenal burnout, chronic pain, chronic digestive issues, and even long-standing weight issues.

What I can tell you right now is, you are using your reserves.  Now, if we add to this the impact of modern life, which for most has come to the point where we have no choice but to use reserves because we take on our day job, family obligations,  side projects, volunteer opportunities, and on top of all this we keep increasing the demands on our bodies.

Let's look at the consequences of that. I think a lot of people see those reserves as being something that they can recover quickly.

When I take my next vacation, I'll replenish my reserves in a couple of weeks. OR
I'll take a weekend and just do nothing and replenish my reserves.  

But that is unfortunately a misguided, erroneous thought.

Your reserves aren't something that gets replenished by taking a little bit of rest or having a week off. See reserves, our life force, they're literally divine language. They're literally alchemy and action, which means they're the totality of nutrients, emotions, spirit, beliefs and thoughts, stillness, purposeful movement, balanced and alchemical food.

It's all of it, and the problem is, we're meant to spend our life cultivating enough life force from the self-care we do every single day.

Beautiful Food, stillness, quiet in our mind, purposeful action being on purpose, living, enjoy so that we don't touch the reserves. Why? Because the reserves are what you live off of.

Now, some of the processes that generate everyday life force start to diminish as we age, our digestive system becomes less efficient as do our lungs, as do our muscles, as does our heart,

And there is a beauty in that because slowing down is inherently part of our transition into those wisdom years, but if we spend the reserves trying to be everything to everyone and being the biggest, widest, most magnanimous, most active version of yourself in our thirties and forties and fifties, what I will tell you is that the reserves will not be there.

You are literally taking years off of your timeline. If you're running on reserve and not replenishing it, you're saying goodbye to 88 and 87 and 86 and 85. What's worse is that you're making the years between here and there have more illness, which means more doctor's visits, more potential medications, surgeries, and complications.

So I ask you, are you running on reserves? And if you're honest with yourself, is the consequence of that okay with you?  it's a real consequence...no one escapes it. We are not a perpetual energy machine.

We are a beautiful divine structure that has conditions for care that have to be met, if we want our best experience, no one gets to ignore them. No one gets to throw caution to the wind and just assume that it all works out with their body supporting their dreams no matter what.

If you are exhausted, now, imagine what that looks like when you're 70. If you're finding that your body doesn't respond to you the way it used to now, imagine what that's generating inside of you.

I don't say this to evoke fear. I say it to evoke reality. Look, the medical system we have currently doesn't even believe that food contributes to your health status, and a lot of alternative medicine believes that if you just push in enough nutrients, you preserve that longevity and both paths are flawed.

It is time to cultivate a new relationship with our body and thus with life where we honor the rhythms of us and the rhythms of nature and how they interact and we honor the divine structure we live in rather than assuming its purpose, rather than taxing it beyond belief.  

Which future appeals more to you, the one where decline is a guarantee and you cross your fingers and hedge your bets that the decline doesn't become so profound that there is no real living past 70...or the one where you align yourself with the life force, energy and the information of the divine in your body and you honor that path and you secure 86, 87, 88, 89, 90 and beyond. Not just breathing but thriving.

It's your choice.

If you want the future with another 40 or 50 years of thriving, set up a call with us, and let’s see IF we can help you.


Dr. Julie


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