It was a study done about 10 years ago and it shows the amounts we waste being sick.
Some of them weren't surprising...cancer treatments, x number of thousands of dollars per month.
The things that were surprising where things like the $2,000 we waste every year just being tired.
$2,000 a year just to be tired.
It adds up.
That coffee you just had to grab because you couldn't make it through the afternoon. The impulse buy at the supplement store or even a target, on that energy booster, the reading a blog post and buying someone's $49 program to reset your whole body, the this autoimmune protocol book, the this heal your thyroid book, the adrenal fatigue protocol.
$2,000 a year is the minimum exhausted people spend. If you add on to that, actually having a diagnosed condition: adrenal issues, thyroid problems, SIBO, chronic pain, depression, anxiety… we can begin to extrapolate how that $2000 turns into another $1000, $2000, or even $3000 quickly.
Yet statistically less than 30% of the population ever actually solves their health problems... less than 30% and that's being generous because solve can be used very loosely. Medication can be deemed as solving, even though, in most cases, it doesn't
Statistically, 60% of women over 60 are on at least three prescription meds and over 80 that jumps. Now that doesn't even take into consideration the illnesses that are going to result as complications of those things.
Why do I bring all this up? Because we're wasting our energy, our life, our time with grandchildren and children and spouses. We're wasting our time in service to community, we're wasting our talents, our creativity and our gifts. We're wasting our intelligence being tired, worn out, and sick.
In doing so we're wasting this divine gift of life on some premise that it'll be better tomorrow, or I've still got time or it's not that bad….there are people with worse... I hear that one a lot.
Reality is, when I speak to people who are dying of chronic illnesses, everyone echoes...I wish I'd known I would've done anything 10 years ago.
But their reasons for not acting were the same I hear every day…
Credit card bill's
Car payments
Guilt about choosing themselves ahead of others
Home improvements
Spouses that didn't see their symptoms as a priority
These people who started at exhaustion, who started at hormonal issues, inflammation, depression, anxiety and disconnect, let, all of those things stand in the way of what they most wanted, which was to feel thriving.
Then one day it became an undeniable fact that it wasn't solved, couldn't be solved, and was now something to worry about.
Now this isn't meant to be a dire post. It's a reality checkpointing to one undeniable truth, that what we ignore often fulminates into something quite profound.
Our body gives us massive indications it is no longer happy with the way things are.
Think about it, fatigue, joint pain, gut issues, sleeplessness, moodiness, anxiety, depression, foggy brain, those are just ways your body throws up the warning flag.
Now we can ignore them, we can placate them, we can take antidepressants, anti-anxiety and sleep and medications and call it good. We can pound handfuls of supplements, superfoods, celery juice, lemon water, grain-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, enjoyment free diets, and pick piecemeal through the vast array of healthy options on our own...adding steadily to that $2000.00 a year expenditure.
Or, we can stop trying to solve the riddle of our bodies on our own using limited options and get back to our true genius, whatever that may be.
Your choice.
Dr. Julie
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