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Costs of illness

Uncategorized Nov 06, 2018

These figures are accurate ~ if you sat down and wrote down ALL of your expenses - on your health...

**Dr visits - and getting nowhere

**Lab Fees - and they aren't even checking the right ones (money wasted)

**Random Supplements - making you worse not better!

**Out of pocket fees for "functional or holistic practitioners" that don't know how to even identify what the cells are doing much less talk about addressing it (big mistake!)

**ER visits 

**Meds - the range from pain meds to autoimmune suppressive drugs, anxiety and depression drugs, etc.

**TIME and GAS- to and from Dr's (who don't know what to do with the full spectrum of what you experience...exhaustion, pain, hormonal craziness, Thyroid, Adrenal, gut, brain, and everything in-between- some people are driving hours to and from Dr visits.

Now that is just all straight money expenses - which if you added that up, most of it would be over 8k/year easy!

Here is the REAL COST though - of not getting the help you need.

**Lost TIME with your kids, grandkids, family, friends. (Time you can never get back - when people are lying on their deathbed what is the one thing they always wish for? QUALITY TIME with family.)

**Lost INCOME ~ because you can't work enough hours, you've been demoted for poor performance, you can't get the job you REALLY want due to lack of energy and brain fog, OR you are on disability ~ which many in this group are on and once you get "there" - it's very hard to get out.

**Lost ENJOYMENT in living! Maybe you are too tired to enjoy that vacation, you spend your weekends on the couch recovering instead of going out and having some fun! Your spouse is picking up all of the slack around the house. Your kids want their MAMA back ~ but you are too sick and tired to give them what they deserve and need.

**Lost SELF ESTEEM! You are overweight, hair falling out, you don't recognize yourself in the mirror, and you don't have a sex drive to speak of ~ If you are married - how is that fair to your husband? He WANTS you to be happy, sexy, healthy, and vibrant! You want that too I am sure!

**The worst - is because exhausted cells breed inflammation and autoimmune disease - you are MUCH more at risk for identifiable health conditions - they just keep piling up because the problem is still the problem - no thyroid med or theory-based dietary change or quick adrenal repair supplement can "fix" that. The risk for cancer goes WAY up ~ This is well known and very much NOT talked about - it's the ELEPHANT in the room - Your dr doesn't tell you this because he knows you ask "what can I do?" And there is NO answer in that world. None.

If you would like REAL help ~ and get a REAL solution with step by step help on what to do for the rest of your life - to gain back your time, energy, money, income, enjoyment, self-esteem, and your very LIFE ~ then please take an hour and watch the free training - if you've already done that -

What are you waiting for?????

Book your free call ~ let's see IF we can help. 💕

Dr. Julie

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