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December 2008 Body Mind Spirit Article By Dr. TwoMoon

Uncategorized Nov 15, 2012

December always marks a large change for many of us.
It is a month filled with activity and celebration and lots and lots of excess. Between buying a gift for every person that has been a part of your life over the previous year was not enough, we also spend more time running around, start feeling the chill of winter descend into our bodies and overindulge in food and treats of all kinds.

However, holidays don’t have to mean going off the deep end, rather they can mean a getting back to basics and celebrating our fortunes big and small. Take an inventory of the blessings the fill your life early in the holiday season. Instead of focusing on what you want or worrying about the endless lists of “must-haves” make a list of the basic joys that fill your life. Keep it simple like being grateful for your favorite sweater, a good book on your shelf, for a rerun of your favorite holiday movie. Remember that being thankful is the most powerful blessing you can give yourself, and it is not just a mental boost, it is a physical one too.

When you give thanks, your heart opens, when your heart opens, blood pressure drops, and serotonin is released and your muscles relax. A daily practice of giving thanks can do more to relax and repair old damage than a good massage or a trip to the spa. Experiencing gratitude is a powerful thing and often leads to further unfurling of great events in one’s life. As you travel through the holiday season, allow room for love and gratitude to fill new spaces and to come in new ways.
One of my favorite exercises to do when I am feeling especially overwhelmed by the list of to do’s on my desk is to imagine that every act I do without complaint for someone else is something I am doing for myself. I allow myself to experience the giving as if I were the recipient. This lets my heart open and relax and eases my fatigue. So, let yourself be the biggest recipient of your own giving and let the holidays enrich and enhance your health.

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