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Uncategorized Dec 04, 2013

Diabetes is a very misunderstood health topic. Medical doctors have simplified it to be about carbohydrates and insulin and not much more. In reality, diabetes is a complex inflammatory condition with roots in toxicity and autoimmune reactions prompted by numerous factors including GMO foods, pesticide exposure, heavy metals, vaccines, liver stress, lifestyle stress, and poor general health.

The fact is, most diabetics eat less than 100g of carbohydrate per day and still experience elevated blood sugar. Many avoid carbohydrates altogether and yet still experience high blood sugar, illustrating a serious but never considered fact that diabetes has significant other instigators beyond sugar. Now, food has changed dramatically in the past 10 years. Most of what can be bought in the grocery store is 80-100% GMO, and has been shown to hinder immunity, create autoimmune reactions, destroy gut and endocrine function.  Since the pancreas is in fact another endocrine organ, it makes sense that it would be dramatically affected by these foods. Adding to this problem, heavy metal and pesticide exposure has become common throughout our population from sources like body care products, home cleaning and herbicides products, exhaust fumes, paints, and even our light bulbs and clothing.

 This toxicity has some profound effects on the ability of our body to clear waste from within and around the cells, limiting natural detoxification pathways.  Over time, as more physical waste accumulates in and around cells, receptor sites become harder and harder to reach, and in some cases even altered by said toxins, limiting available sites for hormone attachment including insulin.  If we then add the effect of vaccine toxicity which also has been shown to enhance autoimmunity, toxin accumulation, hormone deregulation, and nervous system inflammation, the problem becomes complex and even harder to treat.

The solution:

  1. Proper identification of the most significant factors creating the diabetic situation for each individual.  Using testing that allows for indications of body stress, identification of chronic infections, and subtle toxic accumulations.
  2. Adoption of a 100% organic diet of clean foods, in their natural state with minimal vegetable oils, and avoidance of all food sensitivities.
  3. Toxin removal through homeopathic drainage especially focused on vaccine residues, heavy metals, and pesticides.
  4. Supportive nutritional and herbal remedies as indicated for the individual situation.
  5. Lifestyle modification to include stress reduction, meditation, breathing exercises, and self-care therapies.

When dealing with diabetes, success depends on the ability to develop a full understanding of why the condition is present, and applying proper treatment, focused on the needs of the individual.  It is possible to bring a tremendous amount of balance to the body even in the case of diabetes, reducing and in some cases eliminating the need for medication.

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