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Did you fall for it?

Uncategorized Mar 07, 2019

I believe in a different future for you, then you likely believe in.

See, I know secrets about how your body functions that no one's ever offered you the chance to understand. So as a consequence, you have limits in your mind and in your spirit about what you think life looks like after 40 after 50 after 60.

I hear it from women all the time, maybe this is just age, said about symptoms at 45... I hear from women in their late fifties well, maybe I'm expecting too much after all...I'm almost 60.  See, the thing is, I believe that you can be hiking 20 miles a day if you wanted to at 75, 76, 77, or 80, you could be traveling the world at those ages, vibrant and vital and strong. You could have the love of your life right now. You could have a body that is responsive and vivacious in ways you never imagined...right now.

The only limitation is how much you believe in you and your willingness to suspend disbelief, to let go of habitual thoughts you've held onto your entire life long enough to adopt something new.

The truth is, you've likely never been told the full capacity of your body...most doctors have no idea.

So,  if you've relied on them to establish the parameters for your health and healing, you've been given about 10% of the total picture. Imagine that, only 10% of your potential, and sadly, if you're relying on personal trainers and “exercise gurus” and “Diet Gurus” to fill in what those doctors can't do, they're barely providing you maybe 2% more because their beliefs are based off of the same paradigm.

That paradigm doesn't provide vitality or thriving, it doesn't provide transformation because they honestly don't believe in body magic.
So how could they enact magical responses inside of your body if they don't believe in them?

See most people still think that biology is just a one for one,  a mechanical concept... pieces. Yet, the more we learn about the body, the more we find out that there are really no limits.  Things we used to think were false are now true and things that we used to think are true are now false.

The current prevailing system has minimal understanding of our true complexity much less cell conversation as it interrelates to food, emotion, spirit and energy.

It isn't that the information isn't available, it's just that the model largely applied won't change to accept the other alternative views of our physical reality.

And consequently, most people are not being given the information necessary to link up food with production of energy and vitality and hormonal balance.

Or the dynamic nature of simple minerals and cell resilience

Or the need for carbohydrates in conjunction with therapies to raise Thyroid function, or boost Carbon Dioxide or lower the stress response.
See, belief in the ability of our body to heal is directly dependant on knowing what it takes to get there.

Then knowing how to initiate conversation between our organs, cells and systems such that true, beautiful amazing change can begin and expand.

This is where the magic is, in the conversation within your body.
Now lest you think we're just talking about a physical conversation. Let me assure you that there is no such thing as a purely physical conversation, just as there's no such thing as a purely emotional, spiritual or mental conversation because you are one dynamic being fully Divinely made.

So, when we enact on one level we enact on all levels which is further to the point why our physical action towards healing cannot be just a physical action. It has to be informed with the idea and understanding that it is all connected.

This is what is missing in medicine, this is what is missing in many herbalists, functional medicine practitioners and nutritionists.
They don't understand the intricacies, it wasn't part of their training, it's not part of their awareness. Sadly, they're still using that model that doesn't believe your magic and doesn't believe in the relationship and the connection in the conversation within your body. So they are acting at the surface, sometimes providing the appearance of change while internally not doing much or in worst cases causing harm. They don't believe in the kind of transformation I believe is possible for you.

So the question is, Are you willing to suspend your disbelief? Are you willing to let go of this thought process that you've held for so long?

Shake off that heaviness that is weighing you down and say, that's it. I can only imagine that I was put here with a purpose and in that purpose that I was provided means to heal no matter what.

Are you willing to believe there is a solution for every problem?

Are you willing to walk forward under one belief, which is: you are a beautiful divine being, having a beautiful conversation here for a beautiful purpose.

Isn't it time to enact that?

If you want help having that experience, reach out, let us talk about what is possible.

Dr. Julie

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