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Does The Ice Bucket Challenge Do Anything?

Uncategorized Aug 27, 2014

Before you take the ice bucket challenge, give some consideration to the cause! As weeks of ice bucket challenges have come and gone, I continue to be concerned with the total lack of information available as to the cause of ALS, and the rather distracting way constant videos do little to highlight the real concerns. 

ALS is a debilitating disease, ultimately affecting motor control to such an extent that breathing and swallowing become impossible. For anyone suffering with this condition, it is well known the progression is agony. Research into ALS has provided little in the way of cure or even delay and even less as to its cause.

Perhaps so little is known about ALS because the potential causes are things which modern medicine would never consider. From my perspective, the top tier possible causes depending on the case are:

  1. Chronic Lyme disease and/or its numerous co-infections
  2. Chronic toxicity from both agricultural chemicals and industrial chemicals
  3. Chronic toxicity from extreme reactions to vaccines

Chronic Lyme has been associated with most severe neurological diseases including Alzheimer's, MS, and Parkinson’s disease making its association with ALS rather simple. The effect of Lyme is to burrow into the body tissues in its active state, causing destruction and dramatic inflammatory changes to cellular structures including and especially nervous tissue. Chronic Lyme is not accepted as a condition by modern medicine and in fact, the AMA has a very strong opinion that Lyme is a non-diagnosis. This has caused many MD's and DO's to distance themselves from any acknowledgment that Lyme even exists despite growing evidence of its near 100% perfusion rate among the population.

Lyme works slowly and insidiously causing steady development of symptoms which can include but are not limited to:

  • Pain
  • Neurological symptoms
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of motor control
  • Depression
  • Muscle twitching, and atrophy
  • Digestive disturbance
  • Insomnia
  • Extreme neuropathy 

Lyme has been found in all 50 states, yet only a few acknowledge its presence. Doctors who have publicly voiced their findings of its prevalence have often faced suspension of license and even legal action. In the case of ALS, Lyme must be considered as a possible culprit.

Agricultural toxicity like Lyme is an overlooked and hugely ignored source of extreme cellular toxicity which can manifest as any number of symptoms. A little known fact about our most prevalent agricultural chemicals today is many of them have origins as chemical weapons. The compound 2,4,D which is found in most Scott lawn products as well as in compounds used in large scale agriculture is half of the compound Agent Orange. At this time, the US government does not associate ALS with Agent Orange exposure, but considering its attributable conditions include Parkinson’s disease, numerous cancers, and other neurological conditions, I believe it has to be considered as a possibility.

The US department of veterans affairs does, however, associate ALS with effects of Gulf War duty. Veterans of the Gulf War have suffered numerous complications and “mystery” illnesses which many have ascribed to one of two causes: the vaccines used pre-deployment of the compounds soldiers were exposed to during battle. As other veterans have experienced severe neurological disease from the massive vaccine applications common in service, I have great suspicion there is at least a partial association to ALS.

These may not be the only possible causes of this debilitating condition, but my concern is, Lyme is never going to be associated with ALS, nor will agricultural chemicals or vaccine damages, any money raised for big-name conventional research will only support further skirting of the essential issues and therefore leave those suffering with this awful condition still suffering. We don't need ice buckets we need knowledge and understanding just how many sources of toxicity and neurological damage exist in our modern world and methods to avoid further exposure and ways to clear the infections and toxins which have already accumulated in our bodies.

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