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Dr. Julie's Elucidation Observations

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2015

Today, June 30th, I complete my 42-week Elucidation cycle, marking just over 84 weeks since I first began my Regenetics journey.  On Thursday, July 2nd, I will begin the fourth phase, Transcension. Amidst blessing and pain, awareness, and release, the past 84 weeks have shifted what I can only call my core self, my most authentic being-ness, and allowed me to access what I have always known was there, but never had a vehicle to reach.

It is a funny thing, to have spent years studying and practicing mindfulness, cultivating peace, living awareness only to discover the world outside of the veil.  Pondering the what if's: what if the inherent fragmentation we all possess before activation is the linking factor in our global struggle to balance? What if it is the reason we fall back time and time again into patterns which do not support a life-affirming mantra for our planet? What if it is the reason we desire to be right, or control others, or even the reason we have yet to adopt a societal core belief in our totality of healing? And what happens when we are able to collectively heal this void? What happens to our relationships, to our communities? What happens to our planet when this void is sealed?

This has been what I think about during my past 18 months, as I have traveled through the first three activations in the Regenetics series. Pondering what is it that really causes disease and disconnect and disenchantment within our lives? How come healing, true healing is often so elusive when so many of us are trying so hard? And why are we so afraid of the process? I remember remarking to others "why aren't more people receiving this work?" A question which I believe has two parts, but the most prominent and predominant one is that in all honesty, because it is hard.  It is important to distinguish hard from complicated, the process here is simple, but inherently hard.  Hard because to release, you must walk through and walk through sometimes we have to experience pain and pain is the one thing we spend most of our life avoiding.     After all, true or authentic healing isn't free, it's like going on a hero's journey, there must be sacrifice, and surrender, and a bit of blood sweat and tears in order for you to get what you have been seeking.  I have kept this mindset throughout my journey, trying to embrace and allow the threads of movement wherever they have wanted to be released, accepting the letting go of whatever toxicity, trauma, organisms, or events were making their way out of my tissue.  Finding excitement even in my pain, knowing on the other side of it, there was healing, and restoration and repair.

I see now, we start into this process for ourselves, to heal what we suffer from, to restore our bodies and find freedom for our spirit, but it isn't the reason for this medicine.  We don't do this for us, we do it for the way we enhance our communities, for the way a life-affirming vibration shifts those around us, for the way embodying love and compassion can alter the course of a life even when only experienced for only moment.  We do this because we are one planet, one linked community of life, and because healing isn't just for one, it is for all.  We take part in this medicine even if we are not seeking specific healing because that simple act allows us to be part of a shift in vibration which can in fact heal others.  Malcom Gladwell speaks of a tipping point, the point at which a thought process, movement, or consciousness has reached sufficient momentum that it cannot be stopped, the point at which it will spread and take hold simply because its force has grown beyond limitation. This medicine can be one such force, initiating a wave of transformation, a wave of conscious co-creation within which we transcend physical healing and experience collective cohesion, where we operate as participants, as co-inhabitants, where we finally step into participation with life and in doing so seal our collective wound forever.

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