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Era III Medicine: Returning To Our Source

Uncategorized Feb 19, 2015

The further I move in my journey as a physician; a facilitator I find the words of Dr. Luckman and Larry Dossey ring true to a greater and greater extent. In my study of Sol Luckman's work with Regenetics, he speaks of being inspired by Larry Dossey's term Era III medicine. The term reflects a shift, an expansion really, where we regard healing as a process of totality, one of holism, completeness, and one where we work from the understanding that all aspects of life are in fact totally connected.

Dossey writes:

“The recently developing Era III goes even further by proposing that consciousness is not confined to one's individual body. Nonlocal mind -- mind that is boundless and unlimited - is the hallmark of Era III. An individual's mind may affect not just his or her body, but the body of another person at a distance, even when that distant individual is unaware of the effort. You can think of Era II as illustrating the personal effects of consciousness and Era III as illustrating the transpersonal effects of the mind.”

At first glance, one might assume Dossey is not speaking of medicine at all, but of spirituality or psychology. Which of course in a way he is, speaking of spirit and of mind, he is also speaking of body as there cannot be separation within these things. In Era I, the view is totally mechanistic, applying remedy, drug surgery for a condition, associating health with only the physical....still how most of medicine is applied today. In Era II, he clarifies, an evolution of sorts, where medicine begins to recognize that emotions play a role within our health and can be a factor in the healing process.

Era III is the evolution which brings us back to the source. In fact, if considered within the concepts of Classical Chinese Medicine and the more recent German Biological Medicine under the umbrella of a Holographic universe, we see perfect symmetry and need for a big leap into Era III medicine...let me explain.
Classical Chinese medicine views the body as a microcosm of the macrocosm. In essence, our organs reflect the conditions of our environment as we are made in the image or likeness of the universe it's self; a theme common in many non-healing traditions. In German Biological medicine, the focus is on the extracellular matrix.
The matrix being all of the “empty” space present between what is defined in our bodies our cells, tissue, and such. To grasp the concept of matrix, I often think of what modern physics has told us about matter....most matter is 99% empty space and all but 1% actual tangible substance, yet due to the arrangement of the molecules, we perceive it as solid. Our bodies are the same; 99% empty space and 1% matter. What makes the matrix unique and essential is that it is never out of communication with its self. An event can happen at the toe, and the entire matrix knows of and has an understanding of the event. Nothing happens locally without an awareness within the whole, communication is complete and instantaneous.

If we bring it all together, understanding that our physical bodies are but a reflection of the entire universe, and understand then that our internal matrix must be a reflection of an external matrix of the same function and design. We can begin to glimpse how unified communication and the effects of all events local and non-local can impact our health. Michael Talbot writes of this in the Holographic Universe, speaking of the web of our existence being interconnected with the existence of all other things. Like a web, a tug on one string is felt on all others. This is Era III, the recognition of not only the connection between all things but the understanding that this connection has profound and near-instantaneous effects.

Therefore, when considering health and illness, if we gather our courage and venture into this realm, it is possible to see medicine must reflect this awareness or it is stuck in a very limited paradigm. For, adopting a drug, or remedy specific design means when there is no drug or no remedy all hope is lost. Dossey provides excellent examples of how Era III medicine can work:

“When bacteria are prayed for, they tend to grow faster; when seeds are prayed for, they tend to germinate quicker; when wounded mice are prayed for, they tend to heal faster. I like these studies because they can be done with great precision, and they eliminate all effects of suggestion and positive thinking, since we can be sure the effects aren't due to the placebo effect. Mice, seeds, and microbes presumably don't think positively!“

Once again, to some, it would appear we are speaking of spirituality, but if we replace the word prayer with intention, then we see that much of healing is the proper use of intention. Dr. Luckman's work, takes this one step further, combining what we know to be true about intention and linking it with our most ancient medicine: sound. The further I move with his work and witness its effects on myself and others, I understand the limitations of what we have previously done. It seems to me, medicine of many physicians is almost moving backward, focusing on greater and greater minutia looking to clarify the smallest components, and dismissing the whole. In this trend, I see the source being “worshiped” as technology. A false “god” if there ever were one.

Instead of reveling in what appears to be nearly unlimited potential of the holographic matrix we live in and our boundless potential to heal under even the most dire circumstances, technology in its “attack and subdue” design nearly immediately inspires fear and limitation. Era III medicine is not complimentary, as that term implies “secondary” it is the medicine of our source, it is of origin, it is a way to describe our return. For in a world where Era III medicine is practiced as the norm, our lives exponentially improve, as we each grow in conscious connection with each other, and with the plants, animals, microbes and minerals which support our lives. Within the web concept, if we contribute to the strength of the web, supporting all other strings, we stabilize together.

I have never seen a person who was truly suffering who had not brought with them into the room many other people and events. Never, have I found illness to operate in isolation, in fact, more often I find, illness to have great connections to insult, trauma, breakdown, and despair which is always partly associated with the path of our collective experience. Era III medicines can address this, technology and remedies cannot. Consequently, if we endeavor to grow, to heal, to surpass our previous limitations, we must evolve into Era III medicines not just for our own selves, but for the web of which we are part.

To experience Era III medicine,  Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

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