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Expansive Joy

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2019

Let’s talk about growth. As I was meditating the other day, asking for whatever messages needed to emerge from within me, only two words came back….EXPANSIVE JOY.

Expansive joy, the message came with images, life unfettered, unhindered, finding the grace in the immediate and letting my spirit soar into each of those moments playfully. It made me ponder the role of expansive joy in everything.

I began to think on language...do I say “I have to do” or “I get to do”, do I say “I must” or “I choose to”? Such little differences, but one path pins me down, obligates me and one sets me free, opens up my possibilities. 
That is the amazing thing about expansive joy...it is expansive. We begin with one directive and soon, find ourselves playing in fields of wonder throughout our lives. 

Will life bring sorrow and pain...yes, even sometimes long episodes of that, but does that define us, does that become what our lives are made of? We can, we have the choice to see it that way, it is always an option, but we have a CHOICE

That choice is what really defines us, the ability to be present with whatever truth we want to live in, we can find in suffering ways to help others, we can find in pain how to shift our awareness, we can find in struggle how to grow stronger. We can find in sickness the drive to get real help, or the commitment to change paths.

We can also choose to stay stuck, it’s always an option, to get mired in the story we have dedicated ourselves to, and consequently choose a life of further pain. 

In fact, every day we are making those choices, decisions about our tomorrow and next month and 10 years from now. 
So, I return to expansive joy and being willing to play gratefully and pose to you, how are you using your CHOICE today?

Are you enacting a tomorrow that matches what you want? Is there a possibility of expansive joy and health and success and love and wealth in what you are choosing today?

If not, when will NOW be the time to choose that?

Let me leave you with this poem ascribed to Buddha:

Live in joy, In love, Even among those who hate. Live in joy, In health, Even among the afflicted. Live in joy, In peace, Even among the troubled. Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, Know the sweet joy of living in the way.

If you are done living out choices which can’t take you to your best health, love, wealth, success and joy, it is time we talked about making that possible.


Dr. Julie

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Ps: If you haven’t already, join my private Facebook Group about Ending Exhaustion And Living With Meaning, Click Here

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