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Finding Hope Within Chaos

Uncategorized Aug 14, 2014

How do we find hope within chaos? In the past few months, it feels like the world has gone crazy. Between world conflicts, threatening pandemics, and untimely deaths, it can be a challenge to see the possibility of hope. Yet, hope and possibility is what we must find, especially those who are at this moment outside the lines of fire, in places where our health is safe, and our own personal freedom is currently not challenged.

Standing in the middle of a warzone, I could not imagine being able to think thoughts of peace. Sadly, with ongoing media bombardment, I imagine it is hard for many in places which are safe to also think thoughts of peace, but we must.

In 1974, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his students conducted a study to prove what he had predicted in 1960: that only 1% of the population practicing Transcendental Meditation could cause a shift in the larger population.


The finding was that when 1% of a community practiced the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program, the crime rate was reduced by 16% on average. 


Only 1% of the population practicing meditation and peaceful thought with intention caused a reduction in crime for communities which did not even know about the experiment. It is not necessary to know Transcendental Meditation to apply this in your own life, there are many ways to accomplish the same thing using practices of many traditions. The only guideline is to practice non-attached meditation meaning giving attention to a broad process like safety for those in danger and healing and resolution of illness.  Give attention to seeing the headlines change too....this is one of my favorite practices. In place of the constant use of fear words like war, pandemic, violence, and conflict, replace the words with things which achieve the opposite: peace, resolution, healing, diminishing virulence (especially good for the ebola concerns), cooperation and so on.

The thing to remember; we are all strongly stimulated by words. Therefore, we can dramatically shift a situation on a global scale is we act globally by changing the words. Because they carry such strong intention, through altering the language we create a shift in the currents which connect us, which is just what the Maharishi and his students did in 1974. Studies have demonstrated that our very DNA reads like language, following the same literary rules as all languages spoken on the planet. If we combine this understanding with the work of Dr. Rupert Sheldrake who has written about “Morphic Fields” and the observable relationship between objects, humans, and events.  We can see there is a real possibility to change the course of time and history if we can focus with the right words and intention which informs them.

If we are currently lucky enough to be sitting in a place which is not being bombed, or gassed, and if we don't have to fear deathly infection just outside our door, then we are the ones which can give attention to shifting the currents which connect us to those who are in those situations.  We can take the time to shift the language and hold intentions for people everywhere who are feeling afraid, bombarded, trapped, attacked and victimized to find strength, community, solidarity, health, and balance.   Taking part helps diminish our collective sense of fear and powerlessness, which allows us to see greater and greater ways we can help initiate change and foster greater community wherever we are.

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