It seems like a lot of people are on the search for the “perfect” Doctor.
Sorry to say, that just isn’t the answer to your health journey.
Truth is, if you have exhaustion, hormonal issues, inflammation, autoimmune issues, weight issues, and pain - you have patterns you will need to manage and deal with the rest of your life.
So, what if you find that perfect person and they retire? Or worse yet…die?
Then What?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to learn to adopt habits which can always work? To access skills that are specific to your system and how you operate? To know how to recognize what your body does under stress and how to change those patterns no matter what happens?
If you know this - you won’t ever have to search out that “perfect” practitioner ever again!
It is time we cultivated our own knowledge and skill and took responsibility and ownership of our personal healing. Now, you DO need someone to show you what steps you need, and to guide you through what will work and what to avoid and to help you cultivate understanding and awareness of what your body really needs - this is what WE do! But, after learning all that - you are in charge
Most health practitioners on all sides - natural and conventional don’t have a clue how to get to the root of exhaustion - spending all their time chasing the symptoms and never reaching the root. Handing out adaptogens and adrenal support like it’s candy while pumping in every mega energy-related nutrient known to man because they figure you need it, or because their expensive and useless blood tests say you are low, detoxing your body without any deference to the pathways of detoxification and their abilities to handle a big load, pumping you full of Thyroid medication which they declare you will never be free of, and using one size fits all diets and even protocols for complicated cases of autoimmune issues, nervous system dysfunction and organ stress without even knowing if they are addressing the real issues - this isn’t really HEALING.
Stop chasing Doctors and start chasing HEALING - commit now to doing whatever you have to - get to the ROOT once and for all so you never have to chase a doctor again!
Dr. Julie
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