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Healing: Putting The Word Into Action

Uncategorized Oct 09, 2014

Healing is a verb, yet if we really examine how medicine and society treats the process of healing, it is regarded more as a noun.  Static, defined, categorized, and linear.  Set apart from our lives, healing is relegated to an activity directed and coaxed by physicians.  If not regarded as a noun, it is given status as a state of doing; as something with defined tasks, labels, and problems to be solved.  Both manners of perception leave us in a state where in fact healing can be difficult to manifest.

As a noun, the process has no flow, creativity, or nuance.  It is dominated by facts, figures, tests, and results, and limited by these same processes.  In this way, little room is given for untapped possibilities and new emergence.

As a verb of doing, it ends up like so many things in western culture, an activity of defined parameter, invoking high-stress emotions, difficult to meet expectations, with checklists, benchmarks, and normal’s.

Healing’s real power, its true nature emerges out of an ongoing process of creating which encompasses the entire universe within its scope. For human beings, it is part of the basic process of living joined with the energy of creating expressing its self within our being.  Which means it has no defined rigid parameters, it cannot always be measured or categorized, cannot be pushed or pulled, it can however be coaxed, guided, and informed.

If we think of healing as an interplay, or exchange between an aspect of creating and our living being nature, then it becomes something much more powerful than modern medicine has defined.  Accessing and taking part in this exchange is not only the essence of healing it is the most ancient root of healing as well.  In traditional societies, healing was a process of reconnection. Use of remedies, foods, songs, movements, and therapies were to restore connection, not to treat symptoms.   In this way, it was recognized that when a person was somehow displaced from living in alignment with creating, illness resulted.  Therefore to cure the illness, one restored the connection.

Sadly, very little of medicine is used for this reason today.  Herbs and remedies once used to bring one back into alignment are now used because of their constituents and chemical compounds.  Foods are eaten because of taste, glycemic index, and nutrient content, and movement is done to burn calories or build muscle.  Healing intention with emphasis on restoring our connection to the currents of creative creating is all but lost from almost all aspects of medicine.

Accessing healing requires we transcend limiting beliefs and go back to original medicines…especially sound and movement.  It requires we put ourselves humbly back into life’s circle, as a participant rather than an overseer, and be willing to flow with the currents of universal creating instead of trying to control them.  It requires we use plants as alchemical participants helping us restore our balance with the intention of taking part in living, and that we return to food as our primary physical medicine.  It requires we surrender our need to control the process, let go of our need to identify and define every tiny moment, but rather begin to trust that in alignment, in the letting go, there is in fact infinite possibility and powerful potential exceeding everything we think we know.

There are ways to initiate restoration within the body, techniques which can be used to reconnect and restore missing information. 

To find out more Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

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