How do I know my activation is working?
I get asked all the time "How do I know my activation is working?" after all, there are no lab tests we can run, no specific markers or indicators as to effect so how can we know it works? To this, I often ask the following questions:
Have you had shifting in your physical body in the form of symptom changes? Or even episodes of worsening of pain, digestion, energy, sleep, hormones, or any other old symptoms?
Have you had changes to your life patterns including but not limited to increased revenue in your business? New job or a better job environment? More clients, easier time generating business, more productivity, more creativity?
Have you had changes within valued relationships? This can emerge as the ending of toxic relationships or the emergence of stronger ties within those of great value but often there are perceived changes.
Have you seen Improvements in mental state?
Improvements in attitude and creativity?
Have you witnessed relaxing of old patterns, less anxiety, less obsessive ideas?
It is easy to miss changes that come after being activated because our conditioning has us believe it is all because of our hard work, a lucky break, change of seasons, or some other therapy we have been seeking. But seriously, consider the parameters, your whole life you have toiled to generate your best life or maybe even to escape your unideal life. So, following activation things start to shift and change, but somehow it all gets attributed to luck, chance, surprise, or the accumulated hard work of a previous 20 years? Come on, if you have had this work, there is a part of you which believes in something bigger than abject chance, something which believes it is possible to really heal, in fact, believes in thriving. It's no mistake that doors began to open, your intuition shifts, your health awakens, your mind becomes more creative....that is what happens when your body is linked again to source, when you are put into direct co-creation with GOD.
Why do I care if people attribute their shifts to this work? Is it ego, hubris, a desire to be recognized? No, simply put, if you begin to understand just how powerful, how magnificent the powers of healing are, that they are capable of transcending biology, that profound emergence is an effect of our mind, body and spirit then, you can see how blessed you really are. Understanding the role of this work allows you to grasp the totality of miracles which are embedded within your self and the selves of all others surrounding you and therefore to progress forward in demonstration of that. Furthermore, being able to understand associations between DNA Activation and emergence makes it possible for you to really experience everything this work has to offer. I find those who have not grasped what is happening within this healing tend to miss big awesome moments of transformation....and what a sad thing, to be living a life in transformation and to not even know it!
The most powerful thing about healing is, it doesn't follow any rules, it is unpredictable, it reaches far beyond what we traditionally believe to be true and it has no specific template. I think we all approach BIG healing modalities like this one with specific goals...usually to end pain, improve some specific symptom, gain connection to Creator/God, and/or to heal things of a chronic nature. But sometimes, in fact, very often, we discover the totality of our healing is in fact much bigger than we ever dreamed, that our pain, chronic illness, fatigue, and life stress were symptoms of a disconnect with tendrils of influence in our spirit, our relationships, our emotional state, our ability to manifest new realities, and our ability to live a life representing our TRUE SELF fully and completely on this plane. Something I for one would not ever want to miss a minute of!
Some Validation
A few weeks ago, a client who had received their Potentiation (the first of the DNA Activation series) presented to my office expressing frustration for symptoms of candida which had been rather troublesome over the previous week. Their primary irritation coming from the fact that Candida was an issue which they felt had been previously resolved. Normally this would be an indication to look further into what shifting could bring about a reoccurrence like this, but with those who have received the Activations, we always first look at their Group Schematic. So, pulling out the Group 3 Schematic, and charting based on time where they were in the process, we found they had just left the 5th ecosystem within which it is possible to clear issues related to Intestinal Flora including Candida. Furthermore, right in line with the process, they also reported the irritation to be calming down, synonymous with their having entered the 4th ecosystem only one day before the visit!
I have seen similar in a patient with IBS who experienced a flair right as they entered the ecosystem with associations with IBS, Kidney clearing in another client within the ecosystem associated with Kidney restoration, for myself, I have had a significant expression of the Psoric miasm (Psora is a foundational miasm in homeopathy which precipitates many of our modern chronic health patterns).
The amazing thing about these release patterns is: rarely has the client followed their chart, only through me looking at their current position are associations made. Over and over again, I see people presenting with emotions, physical issues, clear associations to specific organisms all fully in line with whatever ecosystem they are clearing at the moment. If that isn't a miracle, I don't know what is!
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