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How To Get Meaning Back In Your Life

Uncategorized Jan 29, 2019
I had this rather unpleasant realization the other day.
It came while I was listening to one of my clients speaking about their life. The thing is, the conversation was usual, digestion, energy, hormones, mindset, aspects of how she spends her time, her kids, basics.
She wasn’t feeling awful by any means, more “off” and “not well” rather than sick or dramatically impacted.
But there was this other thing in the conversation, I could feel it, just couldn’t define it until this morning.
She is like many women, non-stop, caring for her home, her family, preparing meals, making sure everyone’s needs are being met. Most days, these activities engage her from waking to just before bed.
There is nothing wrong with her life.
But what hit me today, as I pondered why I felt so empty as I thought about that conversation was this:
There was no meaning there. It was a tale of strung together activities that allow for a presentable life, that allows for structure and order and things that fill the hours between 6 AM and 9 PM but nothing more.
But no Passion, Vitality, Expansiveness, No soulful wow, no OMG!!
Even her experience of her body was flat. Nothing horribly wrong but not much awesomely right. There was no meaning, just Meh.
Someone asked me a few weeks ago, how does one get to a place where they live a life of meaning?
I gave an answer at the time, but here is my expanded answer prompted by the gut-churning I am processing today for women everywhere:
Meaning is a product of how much we live where our soul speaks into our body and therefore into our life. It is the coalescence of vitality, energy, balance, life force and purpose set in motion in our place where we are. Meaning derives from the ability to enact the bigness of who we are here to be (by the way that bigness isn’t always big in scope just big in heart).
I am struck by how many women are reaching into 40 or 50 or 60 without that meaning piece.
Floating disconnected through the day, engaged, busy, productive, and “active” but not enacting from that place of dynamic creativity.
As a woman in her 40’s I think….We can’t go down that path.
There is a quote by Hafiz which I believe sums this up:
You’re invited to meet the Divine
Nobody can resist an invitation like that!
Now your choices narrow to two:
You can come to the Divine ready to dance.
Be carried on a stretcher to the Divine Emergency Room!
Vitality, Expansive joy, Life purpose, Body balance, hormonal wow, and excited elation are not just for the young.
Living a life of Meh isn’t living at all.
So, what are you waiting for?
The choice is yours:
Come to the Divine ready to dance or Be carried on a stretcher to the Divine Emergency Room!
Want help? Set up a Clarity Session and let’s figure out how to get you dancing!
Dr. Julie
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