How many doctors have you seen?
How many do you think you're going to see before you get to where you want to be….if you get there at all?
All the time I hear… I see my chiropractor for my spine, but they also give me vitamins, I take some nutritional advice from the “expert” at the health food store, I see my functional medicine doctor for my thyroid and my adrenals, and then they also sometimes work on my gut.
People tell me how once they mention thyroid or digestion to one of their health providers, they are suddenly offered two bottles of this or a test for that...and told….we treat this all the time.
So, throwing a few products at a problem is not treatment.
Swallowing a remedy for this system or that system isn't medicine it is half-assed pseudo-medicine at best.
For starters, there is no gut without your liver or Thyroid or Brain and therefore, one cannot address the gut in isolation.
To compound it, random application of vitamins, herbs or even worse glandular remedies can not only confuse the picture, they can mask essential understanding of the real problem.
Since when did we not have to consider what vitamins we take in relationship to the things our body goes through?
So, I will ask again...
How many doctors are you going to see before you finally say enough? How many doctors are you going to let put you on plans that are disconnected? Treating one part of your body after another…
First detox
Then heavy metals
Then liver
Then the gut
Then adrenals
Then immunity
Oh look….you've got chronic infections
Now onto the Thyroid
So, considering that you have billions of cell types in your body...are you going to have to do a plan for each of them?
How many times are you going to do this?
How much money are you going to waste?
An average functional medicine protocol costs about $3,000 now, add to that the fact that most people are wasting statistically at least two grand a year on supplements and crap health.
Do that for 10 just spent 20 grand on nothing!
This is where I see people in their fifties who started taking “supplements” in their thirties but now they have fibro and rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune conditions and they think, but I've been taking supplements for years….I know I'm better off than other people.
I have news for you….autoimmune conditions, chronic pain and inflammatory conditions do not equal health.
If that's health, I have no idea what disease looks like.
Just swallowing supplements and eating “clean” does not mean that you're well.
In fact, just because you eat organic food does not mean that you're going to be well the same for probiotics, vitamins, fish oil, antioxidants, adaptogens, vitamin c and all the other things commonly found in vitamin shops.
You are a conglomeration of cells living in community, which means what happens to one happens to the others, which means to heal one, you must heal them all.
There is no I, there is no singular in your beautiful body. It is one complete conversation or it is not a conversation at all.
This is the absolute essence of what is being missed in medicine. The compartmentalization of our pieces in plans and theories that don't connect.
You are one being speaking one divine language in a multitude of accents throughout your body. When is it going to be that it's time to treat it that way?
How many doctors are you going to see?
How many specialists speaking their own language to only one part of you?
How many protocols and programs that are isolating and separating and not regarding you for the whole?
How many times are you going to just treat the physical and not link it to the mental, the emotional and the spiritual sides of you?
How much time can you waste doing that before you've run out of time?
What would it be like to finally change that path? To have one path that combines what you eat, how you move, how you think, how you work with your emotions, what you swallow, what you do for yourself.
What if it was all aligned every single day and you didn't have to do protocol after protocol after protocol ever again?
How good would it feel to understand your body for the first time ever?
To see why you've had all these various symptoms, to see where they connect, how they interrelate, knowing that everything you do every day is helping all of it.
There is no next protocol. This is about living at your most vital. This is about feeding your cells. This is about speaking into that divine language once again, what would that be like?
Isn't it time to find out?
Dr. Julie
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