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How scarcity hijacks our life

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2019

Are you living life from a scarcity or an abundance mindset?

Now, I want you to think carefully, a lot of people's gut reaction is to say, I am focused on my abundance,  because they use a lot of positive thinking, but there's a vast difference between positive thinking and abundance.

Let me ask you, when you choose what foods you're going to eat or what diet you're going to follow, do you do it according to the negatives?

Those foods will inflame me, those foods will make me fat, those foods will make me feel tired, those foods are said to be bad for the gut, those foods are said to be bad for the cells. Do you choose your food that way or do you choose your foods because they can invigorate your cells and allow for energy?

Do you choose with words like these foods allow my gut to heal, these foods nourish my thyroid, these foods turn my liver into a hormone converting amazing machine, these foods nourish my spleen, these foods nourish my kidneys?

You see, making any choice via the negative invokes an absolute scarcity mindset because it's predicated off of fear and avoidance.

Truth is, this won't just show up in your body, it'll show up in the rest of your life.

Let me ask you a similar question about why you choose what movements you do.

If you exercise regularly, do you do it so that you can avoid the bulge?  Or to try to tame cellulite, to try to avoid ageing, to try to reign in the creeping up of the scale?

Or do you do it because you absolutely love your body and because movement is a place where beautiful,  deep, loving connection takes place?

Another one is are you exercising to avoid the feelings of exhaustion and stress in your life? Because that is also a scarcity mindset. Invoking a stress response to cover up another stress response is the epitome of scarcity, because at the heart of all these things is something that very few people want to connect to, something I've had to deal with myself, which is a core belief that actually says there is not enough.

There won't be enough. I can't possibly spread myself thin enough for all the things that I believe my life demands of me, as a consequence, I am living at a deficit all the time and all I can do is try to avoid what makes it worse.

The funny thing about mindset when it comes to our bodies is that it's never just about our body.

It shows up throughout our life and one of the things that has to happen in healing is that our entire mindset has to shift to a place of abundance over a place of scarcity.

So if you're finding that you're thinking positive thoughts perhaps, but your life isn't lining up to those….saying things like I don't have enough money,  I don't have the relationships I desire, I don't have enough free time, I'm not playing the way I want to, I'm not satisfied with how my time is spent, I'm not satisfied with my body, I'm not happy with how I feel, I'm worried about the future.

If those things are also true, then there is a scarcity behind it and thinking positive will not enact change.

This is one of the secrets that many people miss in the manifestation movement, they attempt to use positivity as the tool.

When in fact positivity is the first step in an action-based process.

Jack Canfield is very famous for having said that when he was writing chicken soup for the soul, he knew he wasn't making enough money and was frustrated with that process of being a teacher.

He set a goal to make $100,000 and every day he did three new things. Now at the end of that year, he only made $91,000 and he was frustrated and until someone pointed out, yeah, but you still made $9,000 teaching, so you actually made your goal of $100,000. Now of those three things a day, 90% of them failed, but he didn't stop.

The point here is it was action in the context of positivity and vibrational change.

So that took him a year, built upon 30 years of his life experience.

So, are you hoping that positivity will change the outcome and yet behind it, you still have a core belief of I'm not enough, there isn't enough?
I ask because your cells are enacting what your core belief is, not what the surface says.

Are you energetic, thriving, happy, vibrant, healthy, in a body free-flowing, strong, rested, at ease, clear, creative and fully alive?

We don't change deep patterns by altering the surface. We change them by altering the core, by getting to the root and constructively altering our future.

So let me ask, are you ready for a true life of abundance? One that gets echoed cellularly into your mental space, into your emotional space, into your spiritual space... one solid message of continual and expansive abundance?

Knowing what foods create prosperity in your cells, knowing what movements create prosperity in your tissues, knowing how to craft a mindset that creates prosperity in your life and your relationships. Then, linking it all together.

That's what I offer you, the shift of a lifetime, the totality of transformation, of focused abundance through concentrated awareness and action.

Are you ready?

Dr. Julie

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