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I, Like Most Doctors Used To Treat Only 1% Of The Problem

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2014

I like most doctors used to treat only 1% of the problem, leaving 99% unaddressed. Although I could get good results working this way, there was always something missing, until I realized how our bodies really work and the essential nature of our matrix and how it contributes to longevity and health.

I started practice in 2003, fresh out of Medical School, my approach was like that of many.....look for nutrient disparities, address symptoms, watch for glaringly obvious signs of weakness in key systems like digestive, adrenal and reproductive hormones and make a few adjustments to diet...done. Over time, however, as I have studied physics along with functional medicine, German Biological Medicine, and expanded my understanding and scope of Chinese Medicine, I have come to an understanding that I was missing 99% of the problem.

The simple fact of our biology is we are made up of mostly “empty space”.  This space is everything that is not cells, blood, organs, muscle, and skin.  In physics this space is called Ether, in the body, it is called “matrix”.  Our matrix regulates every function of our body, and unless treated, eventually all original symptoms will have no choice but to manifest in some other way at some other time.  The matrix is a fluid-like substance, with a slightly crystalline nature as defined by German researchers.  It functions like a contiguous connecting substance, which acts as a diffusion membrane, communication network, and memory system all in one 

If you can imagine, your blood carries nutrients gathered through digestion, hormones, messenger transmitters, immune system regulators, and waste through the body with the intent of depositing each of these vital substances into the tissues they are intended for. Between your blood and the individual cells, there is matrix...” empty space” across which each of these things must travel in order to meet its destination and have its desired impact.  Yet, in most modern people, this matrix has long since resembled something of a fluid nature, and has more so become the consistency of gel, glue, or even plastic. 
This change slows the transmission of information, nutrients, and waste through the matrix, but it also impacts the ability of other parts of the matrix to heal or stay healthy. Once the matrix becomes rigid, nutrients cannot diffuse effectively to the cells, causing our cells to become depleted, which lowers cellular potential, and reduces cellular energy production and activity.  This also impacts the ability of our cells to eliminate waste, thus causing more and more debris to accumulate within the cells including poisons like heavy metals, pesticides, and plastic residues.

How does this affect evaluation methods? Well, first, the evaluation methods used to determine how the body functions are largely oriented on the blood, evaluating nutritional status, inflammation, and stress via what is present at the level of the blood.  Although the blood can reflect somewhat the situation of the matrix, it cannot give a clear picture as it is responding to the matrix but is not the matrix its self.  Nutrients found to be deficient or in excess in the blood may in fact be the opposite in the cells or in the matrix. The same can be said of inflammatory markers, organ enzymes, hormone signalers, and many other markers.  In essence, testing the blood, saliva, urine, and stool in most cases is only testing the 1%,  Leaving 99% of the body unaddressed.

How does this affect treatments?  Just like its impact on blood testing, a lack of understanding of how the matrix works or is responding can result in the prescription of large doses of nutrients who have no hope of reaching their desired target: the cell.  Loading an already loaded matrix with nutrients without attention to healing and resolving matrix issues is adding more fuel to the fire, even potentially creating more inflammation and stress for the body.

What other options are there? There are a number of ways to determine the status of the matrix.  One method is to use Biological medicine devices like the MORA I use in my office.  With this method, the matrix is assessed based on parameters of inflammation, nutrient status, ability to absorb and diffuse nutrients across membranes, and ability of the body to respond.  Other viable methods are Classical Chinese Medicine diagnostic parameters of tongue and pulse diagnosis along with nail, skin, face, and eye evaluation. Still, other physicians like Dr. Emanuel Revici, and Dr. Reams have devised strong techniques for understanding and evaluating systems within and related to the matrix. 

How do you treat the Matrix? First and foremost, to address matrix dysfunction, pathways for elimination must be open.  These include but are not limited to the liver, lymph, kidneys, digestive system, nervous system, hormonal systems, and in some cases brain.  Without opening these systems, there will be no place for waste materials to be deposited and any attempt at restoring the matrix will result in minimal response.  This opening is often referred to as drainage and involves the use of combination homeopathic remedies applied with direct intent and precision to the aspect of the matrix currently most impacted.  Once this begins to open, then more and more nutrients can be added as they will finally have open access to cells and the ability to act appropriately. 

When I started practicing, I knew none of this, like most doctors.  My philosophy in accordance with that of many others was to replace what was missing and expect the body to do the rest.  However, as you can see, an impaired matrix cannot do this without information and restoration.  Initially, high doses of nutrients will make everyone feel better, much like a Tylenol will with a headache, but over time, as the inflammatory situation remains unresolved, the body will find new ways to produce symptoms and issues will once again present themselves.  Consequently, chronic high dose nutrient therapy can actually end up acting to suppress the body, and over time this can be a dangerous path to take.  Restoring the matrix allows the body to resume a path of intelligence, creating the possibility for significant and profound healing over the rest of our lives. 

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