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Is Your Body Asking for Help?

self-healing Feb 15, 2021

Being Tired, being inflamed, being depressed, or anxious, I have news for you, these are signs of a body asking for help.

But, not the just give me more supplements kind of help, and in many cases, not even the give me more sleep kind of help, these are signs of a body who has forgotten how to manage life.  What this means is, the larger picture of information, which guides nutrients to their targets, which directs hormones across vast expanse to the cell and which tells the nerves when to fire, the organs when to do their thing, this information aspect of you has gone awry.

Now, this happens over time, it isn’t something you did to you necessarily, this is accumulation of stress which can include working long hours, not taking breaks, not having the right nutrients, but also includes EMF frequencies, not having joy, not having replenished the blood after childbirth, not having been shown how to feel what you feel and more, it also includes never having been given the instructions on how to rebuild after surgery, or not having had care when you were sad, and so much more.

Our bodies accumulate information, and when we get presented with more factors than our system can handle or with factors our system doesn’t know how to handle like pesticide residues, it creates an adaptive response, where our system shuts down effort and awareness at the place of insult as to keep energy working on the rest of the system.  Sadly, if we do this long enough, the dysfunction sort of spreads, becoming bigger, reaching more systems, involving more organs and cells.

The longer this goes, the larger the impact and the more adaptation our body must do.  

Let's consider Thyroid for example, if our Thyroid is being shut down by any of the things listed above, our body will initially try to resolve it, but if its cries for attention go unheeded (think of the times you have said to a doctor...but there is something not right) the pattern becomes chronic.  In that chronic state, our body adapts to the lack of possibility in that system, which then results in diminished function, and can progress from there to inflammation, and even cancer.

So, what do we do?

Well, first, recognize that a system in shut down doesn’t want to be bombarded by non-specific action...hence we can’t just swallow pills be they nutrients or pharmaceuticals without paying attention to what the impact has been of the shut down.

Second, we have to know and acknowledge that the action needed may not even start at the Thyroid (or adrenals, or sex hormones, or liver) because the initial insult may have been elsewhere and because at this point in the healing, your organs and systems may not even have the energy to give you the resolution you seek.

Therefore, we must begin first at real energy cultivation, giving the body good information and starting to look at the situation as a whole self problem.  Only then can we begin to look at what is really happening without getting stuck in the mechanistic reduced view of the body or getting stuck in symptoms, which are only flags of where the stress and dysfunction has landed, but may not be where it is rooted.

Then, from there, we can open what has been stuck and repair what has been damaged in order to allow the body to resume balanced and vital functions on its own.  This is key ON ITS OWN.

Inherent to this method is the principle that our body can in fact heal because it is in fact WISE.  The force which informs our systems is not flawed or limited, that which makes us is not burdened by not having enough, and when healing is initiated on this information level, taking into account what is really happening and what our systems really need, then, the possibilities become endless.

You can have that too

You are DIVINE



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