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Is your cell phone more important than your health?

Uncategorized May 16, 2019

Someone pointed out to me how seriously we take our cell phones, how we will rabidly search for a charger the minute we get a 15% battery life warning.

It becomes our first priority.

So the curiosity is, we've all been there, yet we don't apply the same principles to our body. We don't pay attention to the 15% warning lights.

Those warning lights of:

Feeling tired consistently, remarking to yourself, God, I'm exhausted


Joint pain

Gut issues

Not tolerating foods anymore

Being bitchy

Having difficult cycles

Having terrible PMS

Having a horrible time in menopause

Lack of libido

Poor sleep quality

Feeling depressed

Feeling anxious

Having a foggy mind

Hormonal problems

These are all the 15% warning messages from your body. And yet we treat them like they're just a nuisance from a stupid system that can't possibly know what it's doing.

We take painkillers, we take antidepressants, we try fad diets thinking that's gotta be it, it's just that I've been eating the wrong things. Thinking I was never meant to eat a single carb, that's the answer….despite what human history tells us.

We take on high-intensity exercise, figuring I've just been being lazy and need to move harder.

We're restless and move more, despite all signs pointing to us being deeply exhausted.

Then, when we aren't getting what we want from that, we medicate it even going to the extremes of taking Adderall, which is in effect prescription meth (true story).

All this as a means to ignore the 15% warning light.

Now here's what gets me, we've all known people who ignored those warning signs and who got seriously ill, with a heart attack or cancer, MS, and Alzheimer's, and we figure, gosh, that's so random.

But it wasn't, because they,  just like you had the warning signs and they,  just like you said, I'm sure it's nothing.

It's just my life is really busy. I bet if I just drink some more coffee and if I do one more high-intensity workout, check-up with the trainer or I cut out 10 more foods from my diet, it will all be okay. Even though deep down inside we really do wonder is this more than that?

The fact is, our life is considered successful if we're pushing through exhaustion if we're scheduled beyond our means if we're ignoring the symptoms of our body because paying attention to it has honestly been deemed to be a bit of a weakness.

Now, you know without a doubt that if you do not charge your phone, it is going to die. You know that there is no way that that battery somehow last another two days without charging it. You know this and you take it seriously, so why don't we take it seriously that our body is showing the same warning light?

Furthermore, if our phone stops charging, we go buy a new one. We think nothing of investing $1,500 on a new phone, $2,000 on a new phone, nothing of it. We take it as a guaranteed cost in life and yet we consider our body is something that should cost 9.99 and be on sale.

Isn't that odd that we place more value on a piece of electronics than we do on the thing in which we live?

Think on that. Do you place more value on your cell phone then you do on your health, your energy, your vitality and the quality of your life?

If your answer is yes, is that okay with you? Furthermore, is that a solution that gives you the life that you want in the long term? Is that a means of operating that lets you be badass as you age or is it a means of operating that guarantees you slow, steady, persistent, decline?

Which one do you want?

The women that I work with regard their body, the experience of their life, they regard those warning signals as something not to be taken lightly. They regard them as serious and they recognize it's not just a little inconvenience, it is literally everything.

Everything in their life is affected:

Their relationships, their income, their career, their joy, their sense of passion, their creativity, their sense of vitality, the enjoyment of their body, even their personal freedom.

The women I work with say I will not go there, I choose to dive in, I choose to take the real path, and learn how to communicate with my body, how to listen, and be nourished, how to really live.

They regard their body as much more important than their cell phone. Do you?


Dr. Julie
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