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Isn't it time?

Uncategorized Apr 14, 2019

There's something funny I've observed over and over, we will, without pause, take time off for illness.

When we've ignored our health long enough and it actually turns into something that requires surgery or hospitalization or bed rest, we manage to make that happen.

We take time off work, we take time off our life, we spend money on our therapies, we make it a priority. At the same time, people in our life, they manage to still eat, they don't fall apart.

But I've noticed that we balk many times in many ways, at taking time off of our life for healing, as if that is a gratuitous use of our time. It's as if people regard time spent on health to be equivalent to a spa day or a spa weekend. Not that those would be bad things to do, but it's almost as if taking time off for healing is ridiculous without there being horrific illness or horrific consequences that we're trying to deal with.

So are you waiting for a horrific reason to take time for healing? Are you waiting for it to be so glaringly awful that everyone in your life would finally agree? Are you waiting for permission and social proof that you need rest, need to slow down and care for you?

I can tell you, I've been there where I waited until my body wouldn't keep up with me and then I would finally take a day or get sick and need five days because I was in bed. Now, granted, those were acute illnesses.
I think some people are going to ignore their symptoms until they get to the chronic stuff, inadvertently waiting until it is cancer, a neurological condition, pain, autoimmune disease.

Because they have considered healing to be something that is going to be fit in between work meetings, something they can buy at the health food store, something they stumble upon, but not something they have to rest for, not something they have to surrender more for, not something they have to change for.

Isn't that sad?

We live in a society that regards restoration as something you're only allowed to do if it's gotten bad enough. That's why we're all so sick.
It's a prevailing mantra that is killing us one by one….slowly.
I really wonder how many people secretly  have a core belief “I'm allowed to rest if it gets bad enough.”

Is that working?

What would it be like to align with the true divinity of your beautiful body?
If you notice, we live in a body that needs both rest and activity, light food and heavy food, sunshine and rain. It needs it all.

Why aren't we giving it all? What would it be like to learn that? To learn how to serve your body and then watch how it makes your life better.
Watch how it improves the lives of people that you care for. To show them that you need a break, to seize that time for yourself, to allow them to step up and serve you a little bit instead of you being the one that took care of all of their needs.

What would it be like to have that be true in your profession?

The women I work with are done treating their health as something they get to think about as a luxury.

Sadly, I've spoken to enough women that have actually regarded the flu as a lovely chance to take a break.

If that's you, and if you're done and you want health, because health is your only resource that you have your whole life, then isn't it time?
Imagine, true partnership with your body, understanding of your divine nature, feeding your cells to the point of thriving and living in abundance, vitality and awesome.

Isn't it time?

Dr. Julie

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