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Kick Your Multivitamin To The Curb

Uncategorized Jan 09, 2015

It may be time to kick your multivitamin to the curb. Why?? Because most multivitamins are nothing but hard to digest unnaturally grouped nutrients inexpensive packages. There, I said it, words which have been aching to escape for a long time now. The other day, as I stopped at my local health food store to pick up foods... I was amused and dismayed to overhear a conversation between a male customer and one of the staff. It seems the gentleman in question was looking for a particular multi, which was out of stock and inquiring as to the possibility of getting another in for him by the end of the week. As it was December 30th and orders could not be placed for delivery on the 1st, the answer was no. He was genuinely dismayed, explaining he was going out of town, and didn't want to travel without his multi.

Not wanting to travel without one's vitamins? There are many herbs and remedies I take with me almost wherever I go... Thieves, some Chinese formulas, remedies for pain, some acute homeopathic, maybe vitamin C....but never would I consider a multi an essential item. As I pondered all that must be behind this gentleman’s desire to have his multi, I realized just how much misinformation there is about vitamins, and why we need them. I am sure he has become comfortable with taking his multi, perhaps it even made him feel better initially, which is entirely possible, as replacing some lost nutrients in a fatigued body can make ones energy level go up...at first. But over time, this effect is often diminished if not entirely absent as nutrients begin to coalesce in cellular and intracellular spaces, and our bodies slowly become complacent with the constant presentation of the exact same things day after day.

Vitamin supplementation is big business and partly for good reason. Almost every illness in the modern world is one of nutrient deficiency...sadly nutrient deficiencies are not easily corrected with nutrients. The sequence of events is as follows:

  • An individual's diet becomes less than ideal
  • After coping quite well for a period of time, the body begins to show signs of decline as a result of the less than ideal diet and function diminishes
  • Inflammation sets in and alters the function of the extracellular matrix and by consequence, cells and organs
  • Illness and disease manifest

Note, the deficiency prompts diminished function, which allows the generation of inflammation, which causes impairment of cellular and extracellular function which further generates disease. How does this relate to multivitamins? Well, in the remedy of illness or silent illness as in the case of inflammation, one must treat in reverse order, in order to unroot and resolve symptoms rather than just placate them. Therefore, it becomes essential to re-establish function to the matrix and help resolve inflammation BEFORE supplementing with large amounts of nutrients.

The problem is, putting nutrients into a system which cannot properly place said nutrients results in an accumulation of nutrients within cellular and extracellular spaces. As nutrients accumulate, they act less like co-factors for life and more as waste products which can impair cell and organ function. Initially, replacing nutrients will flood receptors with new co-factors and act to diminish symptoms. Over time, however, as cellular waste builds and nothing has been done to repair organ function, the root cause of an illness or symptom continues to grow, causing more issues. In truth, if all treatment attention is directed toward the extracellular matrix, supplementation with nutrients will be needed only on a minimal basis if at all.

As fantastic as they sound, multivitamins are not an ideal source of nutrition, cannot solve issues of modern illness, and can in fact placate us into feeling like we have covered all of our bases when in fact we have not. Really, vitamins represent something artificial, because no matter if they are synthetic and lab-made, or from freeze-dried foods, they are all highly processed, highly manipulated and manufactured, all traits rarely associated with things which preserve and promote longevity. Instead of taking random nutrients blended in artificial concentrations, try using classically blended Chinese herbs. The ancient methods of combining herbs provide not only organ support and nourishment but also nutrient fortification. Many of these plants have significant concentrations of well-known vitamins and also provide components of strong immune, nervous, hormonal and digestive systems too. By using well-crafted combinations, your body receives the nutrients in ratios it can understand and properly utilize therefore maximizing potential benefit without causing undue harm.

If you would like to learn how to establish proper drainage of your matrix and build health based on longevity traditions Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

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