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Learning To Say "NO"

Uncategorized Oct 30, 2017

I am learning to say no.

It’s not as easy as I thought it would be, invoking this little word.  Saying “NO” is a big part of my own personal healing journey, in fact, you could say it is part of my prescription for healing.

See, I like to say yes, even when it isn’t in my best interest, “yes, I will help you”, “yes, I can do that too”, “yes, I can contribute”.

Yes is great, yes is awesome, but yes can take us down to almost nothing.

Some people proclaim no to be a limiting word, one to eliminate from our vocabulary, but to me, no is liberation and rest and freedom.

How would your life change if you felt you could say no to the things you really didn’t want to do?

Realistically, I am not speaking of life’s little annoyances (paying bills, taxes, running errands, or going to the dentist), no, I am speaking of the commitments we make out of obligation, or to keep up appearances. I am speaking of the minutia that tends to fill any remaining “free” time in our lives to the point that we are hardly present anymore.

I know you feel it, that sense of being over-committed, that drive to be everywhere and meet the obligations of everyone.  It’s not just that though, it’s the responsibility of email and Facebook, of posting our life to Instagram and keeping up with the events of the world.

So much obligation, so little time.

Obligation which is leaving us exhausted and stressed and in truth, not able to heal.  So, I know there are many things which just have to be, I know that we can’t all just quit our jobs, move to an island and soak up the sun, but we can say no and in doing so, we can generate a few more moments of here and now and thus potential for rest and healing and joy.

So, before you sigh and move on to something else, let me impress upon you that this isn’t just fantasy, it is in fact necessity.

Stress and overwhelm have tangible biological effects on us, they cause nervous system stimulation, they cause our digestive capacity to diminish, they cause our brain to stay hyper-alert, they disrupt magnesium, zinc, chromium and calcium metabolism and they cause an accumulation of copper in our tissue, organs, and brain.

We can’t physically thrive under these conditions, our biology simply put doesn’t know-how.  So, we cope, we manage, but the longer it persists, the harder it gets.

It doesn’t have to be this way!

But, in order to heal, we must learn to use this simple word because, without it, even the most well-crafted plans of diet and supplements, of meditation and exercise won’t work long term because we never gave our system any rest, we never committed to balance, to our longevity, to our spirit.

So, I ask again:

What can you say no to as a way of saying yes to you and your health and your future?

I bet I can help you find a few things.

Until next time


Dr. Julie

Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

Ps: I have created a Facebook group to support people learning to allow their bodies to heal and especially to support everyone journeying in Nutritional Restoration with me, here’s the link to join the group.  My goal is that we can share observations, questions, and tips on how to move into and through this big healing process to maximize our success and our future together.  I also hope we can support each other and create a community of people thriving in life.

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