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Not Following My Own Advice Leads To Burning Embers On My Head

Uncategorized Oct 16, 2017

So, I am laying on my couch with an oyster shell full of burning embers on the side of my head…..


This is me, treating the consequences of not following my own advice.  See, yesterday, while at a local health food store with my daughter, I, against my own best knowledge had about 4 ounces of a smoothie.

Any of you who have ever sat and listened to me talk nutrition know, I am avidly against smoothies, they are cold, filled with hard to digest sugar from fruit and cause the Spleen to feel utterly rejected.

Well, we all make bad decisions, and yesterday, this was mine. It was such a small amount, but almost immediately I had an ice cream headache (which apparently didn’t stop me) and a few minutes later had another one.

Today, I woke up with pain on the side of my head where the ice cream headache had been and along with that, trouble opening my jaw.

Hence, the shell and embers. See, the cold from drinks like smoothies can get lodged in the body, and in my case, it lodged in the channels running along the side of my head just above my ear. Cold causes constriction and constriction causes pain. Burning herbs (shkitaagaan in this case) in a shell allows the head to transfer into the channel and warm to dispel the cold.

Anyway, even I need a reminder now and again why the simple guidelines make so much sense and why being mindful of them every day matters.

Luckily, am already feeling better, and the slow-simmered roast I have cooking in my oven, the steamed kale I have ready to eat with it and my nightly meditation in front of my near-infrared lights will do the rest.

Hopefully, your night doesn’t need to involve burning things on your head…please send pictures if it did!

Every day is a chance to do something new, and to be reminded of the significant essentials, thankfully, because of my own Nutritional Balancing journey, I know I can reset the balance with just a few quick adjustments.  If you need some adjustment, reach out, I can assist!

Until next time


Dr. Julie

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