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Ready to live a new story?

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2019

I just read an article talking about how our lives are really a compilation of the narrative that we've put together to represent our lives, and at any moment we can change that narrative.

We can make small edits and in doing so we can alter what the story says, and because we are the authors of the story, we are in effect altering so much more than that. We were altering the future. We're altering the present, altering the past. So, the question becomes what are the edits that were willing to make? What does it look like to edit our story?

I have found that edits to the story come with choosing a definitive next step and definitive next option for action transformation and change.

Staking the claim in a space that we've never been in before. Starting to believe in something that we had never played.


It's funny, but the reason why so many of us keep having the same experiences is because we're living in the same narrative that we've been living out our whole life.

It's taken on different forms. It has different colors, but ultimately it's the same narrative.

We temper everything either with a positive spin or a negative spin, both of which actually can lead us down rabbit holes of incompletion. Because even the positive spin can make us think it's not that bad. I don't need to worry. I don't have to take action, I bet it'll get better.

And the negative spin can put us into a dark pit of despair. That means that we never take action, we never choose another option.

Declaring and no longer allowing fear and background voices to make decisions for us, keeping us in prison of walls of our own choosing.

This is the same when we're talking about health or our mindset, or our love relationships.

So, if you've been suffering with health that is not where you want it to be with energy that is lower than you want with brain fog and mental confusion and dare I say even a sense of bitchiness, let me ask...

Are you ready to change your story?

Because that's the first step, choosing.

Declaring: “I no longer want this to be the narrative of my life” boldly saying “I will see past the fear and past the anger and past the frustration and past the confusion,  I won't listen to the voice that tells me it's too late, it's too much, it's too expensive, I don't have time”

I'm going to start to believe that I am the author of the story, and therefore I can write it with a new spin, which is:  “I can learn how to heal, I can learn how to thrive, II can learn the tools and the skills that I need to get me all the way there, and I can do it because the next steps are on me and I can do anything.”

Ready to write a new story?

Let's talk, your cells, your spirit and your life is waiting!


Dr. Julie

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