Real healing or condition management?
Dec 06, 2018
Do you think you have ever been offered real healing or more so condition management?
I ask it this way because so much of “healing” is just symptom rearrangement and by that I mean it is quieting, managing, or silencing in some cases symptoms of the condition, but not resolving the condition itself.
For me, healing by definition is the full realignment of us with the divine force, experiencing life as living in a divine structure, while having the capability to Thrive and experience our biggest potential.
This takes on many forms, it is cell level transformation, an organ level experience, a free mind and emotions, and a joyful nourished spirit.
Now, management even by the word itself has a heavy, rigid connotation to it. In fact, I have heard numerous physicians say: “we will manage your condition so that you can live with fewer symptoms.”
Now some people only want that, because they know, healing requires commitment and effort.
Management inherently also uses a lot of force….hormones, high dose herbs and vitamins, forced detoxification, medications which circumvent body function, rash, harsh diets, restrictive plans, and very little balance.
Management is quieting the symptoms so that your life improves. Healing is going to the root, renourishing the body, and fixing what's wrong so not only do the symptoms go away, but your entire life reflects the return of the life force and the message from the divine at every aspect.
So, when you think about what you've been offered as healing, was it really management, or was it healing? Are your practitioners saying things to you like you're going to have to deal with this rest of your life...or It's just finding a way to be the best version of you that you possibly can be with this condition….do they say...we hope to be able to get you to a better place...but we will see….or hopefully we can get you into remission? Or we think the issue is your (fill in the blank) and hopefully that will resolve it.
I think the word here that hits me the most is remission….it inherently embodies a belief you can never totally heal. I can't tell you the number of cancer patients I've had in my office who either are in remission or unfortunately we're in remission and no longer are. The thing I know about remission is that the condition pretty much always resurfaces and a lot of times it is more serious when it comes back then it was the first time...why?
Because remission is a state where the symptomatology has been dealt with, but the condition is persisting underneath. The reason why it developed in the first place is still there, which means now you don't have symptoms to remind you to pay attention. This is the challenge.
Those symptoms were the way that your body through up the alarm flag, those symptoms were the way that your body said, this isn't just a one system problem, this is me suffering on many levels. This is my cells shutting down energy production, this is my body not knowing how to turn off the alarm messages, this is inflammation growing, this is biological function changing. With remission, the symptoms are gone, but the problem persists because we can use methodologies to change our perceptive awareness, to quiet certain areas of inflammation, to provide enough, let's say, extra hormone that we no longer feel that lack of, but if that lack of was because the cells couldn't communicate, and the system was weak, it's just a workaround.
Now you may be thinking, I'll take management. I am sick of this, and that's great. If management is what you want, first of all, you know I'm definitely not going to be the practitioner for you to work with, but second of all, I believe that we are all here for our path. I sincerely believe that we chose the path that we were going to walk long before we even came here. These are agreements to build the muscle that we need to do whatever it is we're here to do, but if you're sitting here thinking, I don't want management, I don't want remission, I want healing, then it's likely time to do something.
Will it be easy? God, no. Is it going to be quick? nope, management is quick. Healing is longer term, but it works at the root and along the way, what you're uncovering is a bigger connection to the divine force working within you and in that, the biggest expression of your creativity, vibrancy, vitality, imagination, and paths of service, self-power and everything you are really here to do.
So if you have that inkling, “I know I'm here for something bigger” and you've been following that path of management and something bigger isn't appearing, or maybe you are thinking I am okay where I am but I know I am only managing and I want more.
I want you to know that healing is something bigger than most of us have ever experienced Healing is magic, the full, real kind of magic, it's nature and action, it's creation at its best and it is waiting inside of you.
If you want that...set up a call with us and let’s see IF we can help you.
Dr. Julie and the Thriving Health team
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