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Routine kills the best efforts

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2019

Routine is a funny thing. Most of us are living life-based, solely on routine, same patterns, same practices over and over and over and over.

We like routine as humans, it lets us actually disconnect our awareness. There's probably at least 99.999% of your day that you can do on autopilot because you do it all the time.

Routine can be being tired, being exhausted, because we are adaptable creatures, we adapt to the process of being so tired to the point of missing inherent life meaning.

There we are, walking through the steps mimicking the motions, but there's absolutely nothing of value behind it.

Routine can be having a brain that's incredibly foggy and having the consequential low mood and anxiety and sense of disconnect and life futility that comes with it.

The funny thing is most people still like their routine more than the idea of change and when we make decisions from the place of routine, which is what most of us are doing, we sadly get more of the same in return.

Let's look at a common scenario...you're a copious health researcher, you spend hours on the Internet researching diets, supplements, movement, and thought processes, yet, on the whole, nothing much really changes.  From this place of routine, you buy that product or you start eating those foods only to wonder why didn't I see anything change?

The answer….routine.

Routine will kill everything, it doesn't allow something new, even with new actions you get the same outcomes.

Which is why one of the things I find must be shifted when I work with people is the atmosphere of routine, the transactional nature of life.

Without changing that, you could change your diet, your movement habits, you could swallow different pills and routine will still dictate that the outcome is pretty much the same.

From this place, we see temporary improvements where things shift for a while, but then, we return to our rehearsed mental routine and consequently our old body patterns.

If you haven't changed the cell exhaustion then you haven't changed the cell message, so your cells are still broadcasting the same worn-out dysfunctional language.

My clients learn how to change their routine. They change the inherent programming so that they can have a clear head and a vibrant body, and they do it from a place of awareness, which means it sticks.

So what would that do to your life?

Are you willing to suspend routine long enough to leap into absolute change?

Would you like to be alive again?

Think about it, why does it matter? How essential is it?


Dr. Julie

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