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Saving you 100K

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2019

The other day someone was recounting to me how they had gone $20,000 in debt for the care their spouse needed because they had pain and inflammation and it hadn't been taken care of and they ended up needing medical intervention that cost $20,000... that's one true story of millions.

I have spoken to people who went more than a $100,000 in debt because of medical bills related to chronic health conditions that honestly had another solution.

Those are all examples of people who waited too long to actually try to solve something because:

It wasn't the right time

They didn't want to invest the money

They weren't ready for change

They had a vacation to save for

They needed new carpet

They might need a new car

They think it would be irresponsible

They didn't believe in themselves

They didn't want to use a credit card

In each case, they waited and the cost was exponential.

Those are just small examples of what happens to people all the time because they wait and they don't choose the option of restoration now or worse, they try to dally with self-help books, $150 programs, $50 miracle supplements, or “health experts ” who offer nothing more than the same adrenal, autoimmune, gut rebalancing processes offered everywhere.

Thinking...this next time it is going to be as magical as the before and after pictures and as the hyped programmed publicity says.

Which path makes the most sense to you to make an investment in yourself, to save your 40 years coming ahead or to dally with bandaid solutions, and crossing your fingers that it's gonna work?

Statistically, the likelihood is that you are going to go down the path of expensive treatments and medical expense is very real.

We see this all the time.

What we do is take you out of the realm of chronic health conditions to save you 40 years and $100,000.

The good news is, we still have some time open next week.

If you want to look at: How do I take my exhaustion and turn it around so it doesn't become cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease, or Alzheimer's, before it costs you 20, 50, 100,000 or $200,000 to solve it…

It's up to you.


Dr. Julie

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