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Saying YES to life

Uncategorized Mar 28, 2019


Three little letters we rarely utter authentically.

What I mean by that is, we have a propensity to go with NO.

In fact, most people's default answer is no.

To say yes, we have to deviate from layers upon layers of programmed response.

I know that's been true for me, my default voice, the one which likes to have meaningless conversations...begins many conversations with no.

I wonder what this influence of no is doing to our existence.

No is an interesting word itself.

When you say no, you can feel the change right away there's a contracting force, a shutdown, a rigidity that happens with no.

We do this when offered a new opportunity, a change of life and especially with transformation.

Our first response is often NO.

I hear it all the time...women who say, I cannot live this way any longer, I am exhausted, I am worn out, I know my hormones are off, I know that my body is not anywhere close to thriving and I know it's robbing me of my essential self, but when offered the chance for change, the immediate answer is no.

No, but no, because no, I can't, No, I won't.

These are not new responses.

They are our conditioned responses where we handcuff life while simultaneously demanding it to deliver.

It's the Bible story of the drowning man being referred to a multitude of options for help and him saying, no, I'm waiting for what I expected it to look like. I'm waiting for it to be the convenience of God himself.

What's being wasted in your life waiting for it to be exactly how you want it to be organized. What is that doing?

What are you doing to your future?

Waiting for the things that are offered to fit some predetermined set of criteria that we've organized, which are really just a way to prevent ourselves from having anything that we really, truly want because nothing will ever meet and unspoken, undefined set of criteria.

Let me ask you, what have you accomplished in your life that was massive?

Have you had children? If you gave birth naturally, did you get to give birth without going through transition? I know that when I've gone through transition and birth, I uttered the words, I simply can't do this, but I did it anyway because there wasn't any turning back.

When I got my undergraduate degree, I had moments where I wanted to quit. When I got my graduate degree, both of them...I had moments where I wanted to stop, all because it wasn't easy, and it required massive amounts of sacrifice and huge investment, but I did it anyway because the ends were bigger than the means.

So where are you saying no, because you won't accept a place where you have to stretch or you have to get a little bit uncomfortable, or you have to step out of your island of comfort and usual, even though that comfort and unusual includes body pain, fatigue, sleeplessness, digestive problems, joint issues, memory issues...but at least it's what you know.

What things are you saying no to because it doesn't meet some undetermined list of criteria, or because no is your default operating system?

What is that depriving you of?

What would it be to say yes?

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