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"There Is Nothing Medically Wrong With You"

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2014

There is nothing medically wrong with you. How many times, I have been told by patients, this is the final opinion of their doctors. They come to me, feeling crazy, let down, and thwarted. Nothing??? How can there be nothing wrong with me, when I feel so awful???!!!

But maybe, just maybe this is the truth. There is nothing “medically” wrong with most people, even those who are extremely ill. No abnormal labs, scopes, imaging, nothing to say there is a disease-causing their discomfort. In truth, there is nothing medically wrong.

That is not to say they are not ill and suffering, but their illness doesn't have a proper name, it may have elements of issues like food intolerance, nutrient deficiencies, chronic infections, toxicity, dental work created illnesses, ancestral illness, organ weakness, shock, trauma, and energetic disruptions, lifestyle stress and imbalance, “capitalism” syndrome and many others, just not a medical illness.

The thing is, it might be easier to have a medical condition. To have an abnormal lab value, or an identifiable lesion somewhere. For one, having a diagnosis makes it real to us and to those around us and...to heal the “non-medical” conditions, we invariably have to dramatically alter our lifestyle.

With the millions of Americans suffering from identifiable medical illnesses, there are ten times that number suffering without a diagnosis. Suffering because our food has no nutritional value, and our lives no spiritual core. We have lost our connection to all that sustains our lives....trees, birds, bees, earth, water, air. We have become so accustomed to a fast pace, and pre-made lifestyle we have forgotten how to slow down and simply cook, or nap, or laugh.

However, balance has always been the mandate of longevity. In our western society, it is hard to recognize imbalance because everyone looks so good. Many of the doctors from China who taught me would remark about Americans....how we look so healthy but upon further investigation are in fact not. We appear so “normal” which makes it hard to take adopting big lifestyle changes seriously.

We stand upright, we can talk, move, drive, think, we aren't covered in sores, or have tumors growing out the sides of our heads, we exercise and work, eat, and sleep....we appear to be the example of health when in fact, we too are not. There is nothing “medically” wrong with us, it's just that we are no longer feeling the total possibility of our life!

For this problem, “medicine” has no answers, and never will. The answers lie in changing directions, modifying lifestyle, directly initiating nourishment within our cells and our body, and in understanding what has created this breakdown.

Our food intolerance, body pain, fatigue, insomnia, and depression are simply our bodies' way of letting us know it can no longer derive nourishment from simple sources, and it has forgotten how to nourish our muscles, and tissue. We are ill but not sick and have only one path out of this amorphous state we find ourselves in.

Having nothing medically wrong with you may initially appear to be a curse, but really, it is a blessing. This non-diagnosis is really a call to action within which we have the potential to not only heal our bodies but our minds, emotions, and spirits as well. How do we do this?

  1. Healing the core connection of nourishment to our basic genetic expression and outward; If we can't connect, we often cannot fully heal. (I use Potentiation to accomplish this goal)
  2. A diet based on vegetables...lots of vegetables grown organically, ideally also as locally to our home location as possible. These should make up 70% of your diet.
  3. Having the intention of eliminating all non-organic food from our diets. (hint: this is easier if you give up restaurant food completely) Focus on simple foods in their natural state: vegetables, seed grains like quinoa, amaranth, and white basmati rice, legumes, nuts and seeds, a little fruit, small amounts of sweetener, kind proteins, and minimal processed or pre-made anything.
  4. Properly placed nutrients: not everyone needs a full handful of supplements daily.
  5. Therapies which keep the body moving like Acupuncture, Massage or Reiki.
  6. Meditation: more and more I find this to be essential and necessary beyond measure. Too many people lack the ability to let go of their mind and be present in only one moment. You can meditate by walking in the woods, at a yoga class, in church, in your living room, front yard, bedroom, and even your car. The point is...to meditate daily.
  7. Movement: Simple movement, with strong awareness and intention behind it: I am partial to Qi Gong, but many other traditional forms of movement incorporate awareness and intention quite well.
  8. Belief: you must believe that it is possible for whatever you are experiencing to transcend. You must also find a way to eliminate fear and be accepting the process...healing takes time! 

Our biggest problem as a modern society is a total lack of nourishment, something which it is time to change!


To learn more about how to find nourishment in your life, or to experience Potentiation  Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

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