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Time To Unify!

Uncategorized May 20, 2019

One way we could personify stress is separation. Which is of course why it can't just be regarded as a hormonal or biological mechanism because it is so much more than that.

As with most events inside of our bodies, stress is not just physical. Now you may be thinking, oh, it's mental and it's emotional and the answer is yes, but.

It is the accumulation of event after event after event where we get separated from our powerful self, our true self, our magnanimous our vibrant, our beautiful, amazing, truthful self.

Now, that separation comes in such sneaky ways. It is emotional and mental separation and physical all at one time.

This is the dynamic key to healing, because in the world of healing it is being compartmentalized by the mind of the healer as to which one of those they're most akin to trying to solve.

So to one, it is an adrenal problem, to another, a vitamin issue, yet another, a gut issue, and then to another, it is the wounds of your childhood, the traumas.

But here's the secret, you cannot solve the stress impact on the body, which is various, varied and nuanced to include physical symptoms of pain, exhaustion, gut issues, hormonal issues,  mental fatigue, mental fog, and even conditions like Alzheimer's, MS, cancer, heart disease, and autoimmune conditions without meeting at the common intersection point of all of it.

You have to be able to understand the intersection of the physical remedies of food, nutrients, and those spaces of emotional and mental and spiritual fatigue and address the separation in its totality if you want it to heal.

But this isn't how we teach our healers in the world. We adopt specialties and we proceed according to those lines, which means that for most people healing the effects of this separation would mean having an alternative medicine physician, a conventional physician, a therapist and emotional healer, a spiritual healer, and trying to get them all to communicate, which is never going to happen.

This is why most people spin their wheels forever. Gaining ground, and losing it, having a resolution of one issue only to generate 3 more a year later.

We hear this all the time from women...my energy was terrible, but now it is great, if I could only get rid of this joint pain.  Or, I lost the weight, but my mind is so foggy and I feel anxious most days, or I got control of my gut issues, but now, I just can't seem to maintain good energy.

Separation….believing one issue isn't connected to another.

When in fact the one thing being called for in all of this is reunification.  That's what healing is supposed to be.

Not Separate plans for separate systems and separate issues, but one unified approach to heal the separation that is at the core of our experience and thus return us to this big vibrant vivacious women that we were meant to be.

My clients learn the path to unification and unlimited vibrance and how to keep that going for the rest of their lives.

Because living in a Divine being in a Divine world what other path is there?


Dr. Julie

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