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Time to be fed

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2019

I was thinking the other day about how we as women have this tendency to be underfed.

It's really something that shows up at every level of our life, but I think it's best observed in the relationship we have with food.

I talk to women all the time who say, I feel better if I just don't eat.
It's such a funny statement because it's a place of learned distancing from our physical self.

We live in a body that cannot survive on nothing. Our cells are looking for fuel, for fats, proteins and carbohydrates every single day.  

Yet, too many women have adapted to feel best when they avoid putting food into their body...maybe it is the emptiness...the sense of a flat stomach, feeling light, thin and airy.

As a general rule, we don't like it when we feel full and there's such an irony there because if we cannot fuel our physical body, then how are we going to fuel our dreams? What is it going to be based off of?

Think about it, you can't run a car without some sort of fuel eventually running on fumes, the engine sputters to a stop and it doesn't go anywhere else until you put fuel in and sometimes in having done that, you also have created damage that now the engine has to be repaired.

Why is it that we think that it's something different with our physical body?
I believe that we have this toxic relationship with ourselves and our organs and our systems to the point where we will actually physically starve ourselves and grow so accustomed to the feeling that we prefer the adrenaline surge associated with starvation over the calming, grounded sensation of being well fed.  That is a dichotomy so challenging to embrace and yet I've been there.

I stopped eating when I was about 15 after severe food poisoning, I got so emptied out I lost like five pounds being sick or at least it felt that way. I didn't step on a scale but, something in my head clicked, oh, you mean we can feel light and not chunky if we just don't eat.

Now. I took that to an extreme because I did actually become anorexic and I get that most women aren't anorexic, but I will say that pervasively, we have a mental mantra in life that it is just easier if I just don't eat.
Now, on top of that, we keep segregating food into clean or cheating.
Eating clean has become some, adopted rhetoric in our modern society and it can literally mean anything...it just depends on who's dogma you've subscribed to.

For a person who believes that a Vegan diet is ideal then eating clean is going to be vegan clean, but then to a person who's adopted a Paleo dogma, then it's Paleo, or for Keto, Keto dogma.

This word, clean… literally has no meaning because it's defined differently depending on who's speaking it.

Furthermore, what in the hell is it anyway? I mean, I don't hear people saying that it means free of pesticides and chemicals and things like that necessarily. It usually means low in fat, or carbs or sugar.
It's a word that is so undefined, but the problem is, despite that,  we have an emotional association with this word to the point where eating clean means I fed myself the bare minimum, but also...I didn't eat till I was full,  I restricted myself, and therefore I was good.

That really worries me.

These very topics…..I told myself no.

Now, every mindset guru out there tells you that life's beauty is found in saying yes, and yet when it comes to food, we've adopted a mantra of telling ourselves, no, how can we live a life of yes if the thing we're fueling our body with, we constantly say no to?

Now, what about restriction and holding back? Again, every mindset, emotional teacher out there says feel, embrace it all, get into the mud, get dirty…. feel it all.

In feeling….there's going to be more richness than denying yourself.
Now, we seem to proclaim that awareness when faced with spirit or emotion,  but, turn around physically and restrict…. how can you send your spirit in your body in two separate directions and expect to end up at the same place?

You can't. It's physically impossible.

This is why so many people are not where they want to be. Their spirit and their body are going in separate directions. They're saying yes on one hand and no on the other. They're restricting on one hand and expanding on the other. That doesn't get you anywhere. That is a recipe for craziness. The truth is we're supposed to be well fed.

We're supposed to have the warm sense of lovely food in our belly and enjoy it. We are supposed to understand that those cravings are our body speaking to us and the odds are if we were meeting our body's needs, the cravings would go away.

If we were feeding our cells and our spirit,  we wouldn't be restricting all the sweetness of life, we wouldn't be holding ourselves back.
Guess what? You can do that and thrive and have a beautiful body and be strong.

The better part is though, when you start saying yes to your cells, then your spirit automatically expands.
Your emotions become joyful. You don't have to work so hard for mindset. If you're feeding yourself from a place of connection and joy, imagine that all the billions and trillions of dollars being spent on mindset work, which I got to say, is it all necessary? God, yes, but why are we spending so much money?
Because we're not backing it up with anything physical because we're doing an exact opposite on our physical body because we've got all these rules about what's right and what's wrong and we're getting so caught up in those definitions that it's driving us mad and we know it, but then we feel so guilty about changing that direction.

Oh No, no, that's not what the news is saying. I should be eating extremely low carb. That is what the news is saying. I get it. Is it working? Do you see a population of people that are happy and grounded and spiritually expansive and better of service and physically thriving? I don't. Isn't that what we're after? Isn't that what we're here for?

Then let's do that. Let's feed our cells at every level. At every turn.
Let's renourish. Let's expand. Let's have joy. Let's laugh. Let's be this vibrant version of ourselves and then let everything else fall in line
If that is something you crave, let's talk because I don't believe in restrictive diets. I don't believe in taking away more foods. I don't believe in holding back. I believe in feeding our cells. That is my mantra. Feed your cells. Guess what happens? Your cells are the anchor of your spirit. They are the anchor of your emotions and your mind, and when you feed one, you invariably feed the other.
So guess what happens next? Expansion. That means joy. That means vibrance. That means living. That means being here a 100%, all you hold the time, and maybe for you that's a you that you haven't had in a long time or ever had. Guess what? That's amazing to think of what you could do in life. Even if you have 10 years of 100% you. Those might be the best 10 years of your life, but guess what? For the people who love you, that's the best 10 years of their life too.

Let's expand. Let's get fed.

Dr. Julie

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