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Treating Bipolar Disorder

Uncategorized Nov 16, 2012

Bipolar disorder affects 2.3 million Americans. The mood fluctuations, depression and accompanying fatigue, sleep problems and occasional body pain can drastically affect every aspect of ones life. Many people struggle to find an appropriate treatment protocol, often moving from one drug to another, and investing years in counseling, doctor visits and missed work.
What most are never told by their Psychiatrists is that there are good natural medical alternatives to conventional treatment that can be used safely in conjunction with traditional therapy or independent of it.

Before beginning any natural medical treatment, do research to ensure that you are working with a qualified practitioner. Naturopathic Medical Doctors are qualified practitioners who have spent four years in medical school learning the basic medical sciences and spending two years in supervised clinical training. Although Michigan does not license naturopathic physicians, there are web sites that such as www.naturopathic.org that consumers can use to identify a practitioner that will be able to understand the complexity of bipolar disorder and depression and the conventional medical treatments commonly used to treat these conditions.

Within the alternative medical spectrum, there are five major categories of therapies that have been proven to be successful at improving function in those with depression. First is Food allergy or sensitivity analysis. When a person suffers from food sensitivities, an immune reaction takes place whereas offending foods enter the intestines, they are unable to be adequately digested. As a result of this, antibodies form to the foods in question and an immune response if generated resulting in inflammation. This inflammation over time does not stay localized to the intestines; in fact, there is some evidence to suggest that the immune response eventually involves the brain. Over time this can cause symptoms of fatigue, digestive disturbances, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and difficulty thinking. Evaluation for food sensitivities is simple and involves a simple blood test.

The second therapy of significance is Acupuncture. Acupuncture has been used to treat all physical and mental disorders for thousands of years. It works by stimulation of acupuncture points to alter the biochemical and energetic function of the body. In the treatment of depression, acupuncture can have rather quick effects at calming the mind, improving sleep and mood and elevating energy levels.

The third treatment option is Qi Gong. Qi Gong is a movement-based Chinese healing art form. Qi Gong was largely an art used by monks in China. When practiced daily, it can be used to treat any physical or emotional condition. The forms are simple and involve balanced right and left movements coordinated with the breath. In terms of depression and bipolar, qi gong has a unique healing function in healing the connection between the mind and body. Often people who suffer from depression find it very hard to be totally present in their bodies, but with qi gong this connection can be established rather effortlessly by working with the breath and movement. When used in conjunction with acupuncture, qi gong becomes an extremely powerful way to balance the brain and heal the body at the same time.

The fourth treatment option is essential fatty acid therapy. Omega-three fatty acids are essential components of a well-functioning brain. However, over time the human diet has changed to be rather deficient in omega-three fats. Most Americans consume three times as many omega-six fats like those found in olive oil as they do omega three which are largely found in fish. As a result over time, the population has become significantly depleted of omega-three.
Studies continue to show that large doses of omega-three fats have a significant effect of diminishing depression symptoms. It is extremely important to highlight that good omega 3 fatty acids need to come from quality sources. Farmed fish is rather deficient in these good fats due to the fact that farmed fish are fed commercial foods rather than their native diets of plankton and naturally occurring micro-organisms.
In addition, the fish oil supplements commonly sold at large drug stores or supermarkets are not of sufficient quality to have the desired effect. Carlson’s Cod liver oil is a great source and can be easily found by anyone.

The fifth treatment of interest is classically blended Chinese herbal formulas. Chinese herbs are extremely effective medicine without any side effects. When prescribed by someone trained in their use, the effects can be strong. Classically blended formulas are created according to the symptoms of the individual patient. This is a much more effective way of using herbal medicine than taking whatever “depression” formula is available at the local health food store. When using herbal medicines in conjunction with conventional drug therapy it is very important to work with a practitioner who understands how to safely combine these therapies and who can understand the medical information for your particular condition.

Depression and Bipolar are disorders that have a severe impact on the lives of many who are affected by them. Unfortunately, many go years cycling in and out of good and bad days without really ever getting any relief. These conditions do respond to natural medical intervention and often the results are a significant improvement in overall function. Every person suffering from any of these conditions should know that alternatives are available and that they can be used safely and effectively in most situations, but should always be done with the help of a qualified health practitioner.

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