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What We Fear But Don't Say

Uncategorized Apr 12, 2018

I find it fascinating just what we fear but don’t say. 

In my conversations with women every day, there are these things hanging around in the background….

I am worried this exhaustion might really be cancer

I am worried this pain might be something serious

What if I have diabetes?

What if my heart fails?

What if this weight never moves?

All the what if’s and worry...all real things...things we really should be paying attention to.

But we don’t, not really, because, in truth, we don’t know-how. This is what I hear from these same women…

Maybe this diet

Maybe Dr. so and so’s plan

Maybe if I just cut my sugar

Maybe if I just move more

Maybe if I just rest a bit

Maybe if I just….

That place, the maybe if I just place is so dangerous because in truth it is our mind’s way of making it a bit less daunting, a bit less painful, that truth, the one where we would have to admit we don’t really have a plan, that the doctors we see don’t have a plan either, and that recognition of that sincerely scares the shit out of us.

My clients get past all that, they get certainty and clarity and intelligent action steps that matter.  After all, this is what we want right?

To know why…

Why we are so tired

Why our joints hurt

Why our motivation has evaporated

Why our mind is foggy

Why we feel disconnected

Why we can only plan to do one or two things each day or we get overwhelmed

And then to know that the “what to do about it” isn’t just another cut your calories, get back into the gym, pound your body into submission plan.  Because that plan sucks.


That plan diminishes us, and healing doesn’t happen in a diminished state, because that state is one of contraction and shrinking and we have shrunk long enough...collapsing back into ourselves, sucking our stomach in, pushing past our need for rest, ignoring our body in lieu of our mind.

But healing, the kind my clients' experience is expansive and joyful, it is effervescent, light and sweet and it lets us come fully into our bodies and lets our bodies feel heard, energized, nourished, balanced, creative, alive and sensual.  And it does something else too…

It gives us back relationship...a relationship with our body which then provides certainty…

Certainty about our health

Certainty about our capabilities

Certainty about our future

Certainty about our strength

And let me tell you, that certainty is priceless.

So, if you don’t have that, if you are looking for it, if you harbor those secret fears of what if and maybe...it is time to get serious.

Reach out, this is what I do, let’s talk and get clarity, it just might save your life.


Dr. Julie

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