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What is your body relationship?

mindset self-healing Jun 21, 2021
I remember the day when I really realized what my conversation with my body really was.
Here I was, taking on a crazy schedule, regarding everything as my responsibility,  caretaking for all the people in my life and doing it all fast.
By constantly pushing, I was continually telling my cells and systems “Oh, by the way, you're just one big disappointment to me” and on top of that, my inner voice constantly noticing the flaws .. fat, cellulite,  wrinkles, headaches, joint pain…all seen from the viewpoint of “How can you act this way when I work so hard for us”
This was my message to my divine creation on a daily basis.
Maybe it sounds familiar to you?
See, I really truly believe that our body absolutely has always done exactly what we've asked it to do. Now our ego will distort that and say, I never asked my belly to get big, I never asked my knees to hurt, but we have to take a broader look and really assess the situation for what it is.

We have absolutely asked our body to defend us against the insults and injuries to the world. Instead of feeling our feelings, we have decided somewhere along the way that we didn't want to feel things, so our body said, okay, great, I will buffer that for you and it buffers it in a multitude of ways and sometimes that way is weight gain, sometimes it's pain, sometimes it's anxiety, sometimes it's many other things, but the reality is is that we inadvertently asked our body or told it, hey, this is now your responsibility, you take care of that. 
We've done it with all kinds of things. 
Many of us have developed relationships where we see all food is a nuisance because we can't figure out which foods make us fat and which make us thin, which is really the only reason why we're eating in the first place.

And so we've really ultimately told our body all food is fu*@ed up and you don't know how to process any of it correctly because you've been doing it wrong the entire time. 
We then get fed up and go through these episodes where we try to strong arm our system saying:  “I'm going to reign this in.”
I hear women say that all the time. 
So, I ask...you're going to reign in what? How your cells function? Reign in how your Mitochondria use energy?
Here's the thing, I know that when I realized I had been consistently telling my body how much it's been doing wrong. I wasn't in a relationship with my cells and organs.
I was acting on assumption, assuming my liver was doing what I wanted to do, which is processing toxicity and whatever else it's supposed to do. I was assuming my heart was going to keep beating, assuming if I put food in my digestive system was going to work and I give very little regard or even gratitude.
In fact, in hindsight, I can see how infrequently I gave gratitude for how much my body did because my exterior wasn't meeting my assumed experience.
Instead of sitting there and saying, gosh, I wonder why that is, let me go inside and see what's really going on. 
I/We see it as a betrayal. 
This ridiculous body has betrayed me again. How dare it after I work so diligently, with I have so much on my plate. 
Why can't it just cooperate? 
This is one of the most toxic relationships in most people's lives. The relationship that they have with their body, constantly berating it, constantly putting it down, constantly telling it it's done it wrong. 
The funny thing is is that most of us would never stay in a friendship or much less and indelibly linked relationship with someone who treated us like that every single day.

So, have you done that to you? Are those the true background conversations? Do you think that that ever is going to lead you to where you want to be?

Do you think that that is a recipe for absolute health or disaster?

Now, here's the truth, changing it isn't about getting more rigid about food,  or working harder in the gym. 
It is a combination of relaxing into a place of ease and honoring the natural rhythms of our body and yes, feeding ourselves and yes, helping our body have resources again and sometimes it's simply sitting and doing nothing.
It's about joining into a real collaborative relationship with ourselves, our cells and our systems and taking on practices and processes that put us into the space of true cohabitation, fostering communication and repairing the relationship we have with our body.
That's how we heal.
Take note, I did not say by some patented cycling nutrients program, or by a magic blend of supplements or by simple visioning a different outcome.
This is relationship building.
The women I work with learn how to lovingly foster this relationship at all levels while opening the doors to collaborative healing in totality.
That can be true for you too.

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