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What the uber successful already know

lifeforce mindset Mar 08, 2021

Are you defined by how busy you are?

Do you think to yourself every day, man, I'm badass, look at what I did today.

I went to work, I took care of projects, I got my kid's lunch and school stuff ready, I helped them with their homework, I made dinner, I even managed to vacuum the floors, on top of that, I responded to three personal texts and 5 emails and I worked out.

Is your entire identity wrapped up in all the things that you were able to do?

So, can I ask, how many of those were activities of meaning?

How many of those were means to express your soul's call in this life?  Or things you can confidently proclaim done to feed your deep purpose?

How many of them were part of this conglomeration of activities and ideas that we've all agreed to based on societal constructs of what it means to be a productive, successful woman?

Statistically American women are more exhausted than any other women on the planet.

Why are we so exhausted?

Because we've linked our identity and value as a woman to be able to hold up 15 things at once and not complain about it, which means along the way, we learn to ignore how it makes us feel.

We learned to ignore how it makes our body feel. We’ve learned to ignore all of the deep consequences under the guise of this is what it takes to be successful.

Whether it's being successful as a mom, as a CEO, as a mom, and a CEO or anything in between those two.  

But it's not working.

The evidence is mounting.  More and more I find women saying, I have lost myself somewhere within this context. I am not the person I imagined I would be. At 25 I had dreams of being a bestselling author, I had dreams of being a painter,  I had dreams of opening a healing center, I had dreams of running a coffee shop or managing a team of successful people or solving the world's big problems.

But, in our conversations, they find themselves mimicking a semblance of that, religating their dreams to things that they will do if they have enough time, energy and money.

So, somewhere amidst the desires and the agreement to be busy they gave up them.

They give up their identity.

They gave up their why and their who and their sparkle, all to adopt this idea that business is a hallmark of success.

The thing that sucks most about that is that there is a universe of consequence for adopting this persona. It does not discriminate. It doesn't care whether you're wealthy or poor. It doesn't care whether you're uber-successful or you're barely scraping by.

The consequence of that is cellular exhaustion.

Time and time and time again, I have watched it be true. I have never evaluated a woman over 40 who wasn't exhausted at the cellular level, whether she was proclaiming it with her words or not.

That is a very scary statistic. 100% of the time I find that cellular exhaustion has taken root.

Sometimes I find that it has become so expansive that now the pattern is actually cutting the woman off from sensations because her body is trying to protect her from the consequence of not listening, as this happens, her risk for cancer goes up because her body's accumulating metastatic calcium and it is on the verge of turning that into something dangerous.

All because business, not stopping, and pushing too hard are the monikers of what it means to be a successful woman in this current society.

Now I can't change society, I wish I could, but what we can change is what's happening inside the body and we can change how we respond to it and we can change how we set ourselves in motion and we can change how we feed ourselves,  how we move, how we breathe, and how we think.

Working this way, we can adopt a new pattern that works for us so not only can we be successful, but we can thrive at the same time.

What would that do to your life? Aren't those the secrets you wish someone had taught you in high school and in college?

Well, those are the secrets that I teach, the seven exact steps needed to live from that place all the time.

Are you ready?

Dr. Julie

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