Do you hope or believe there is one key thing you need to do to experience lasting change in your body/health/energy/life?
Have you been caught up in the thought that it is really just one thing?
Have you bought into the idea that if you could just lower your inflammation levels, your entire health picture would be different?
Or have you bought into the idea that if you could just lower your weight your entire life would change?
If you could just have energy, everything would be different?
If you could just change your job...
If you could just get along with your husband, if your kids could just cause you less stress, if you could just sleep...
Do you have like 10 if I could just statements?
So where's the real obstacle?
If you're worried about inflammation is reducing inflammation enough?
I see lots of people pounding turmeric, pounding coQ10, ingesting vast amounts of these “anti-inflammatory” substances in the hope that if they could reduce their inflammation, they would change their health future.
So, is that all it takes?
Will swallowing the right pills really solve the issues that cause the problem? Or just mitigate some symptoms?
When you lower signal indicators of inflammation, is that enough?
Or is it also necessary to put in place the nutrients, energy, food, activities and processes to repair cells, organs and systems which have been damaged by the inflammatory process?
Now, you may be thinking I am speaking about anti-inflammatory diets or autoimmune diets here….but I'm not, in fact, if you took at anti-inflammatory foods... which mind you could be a conversation in and of itself, what one person calls inflammatory, another person calls medicine.
So many different versions of diets aimed at cutting huge groups of lovely foods out if our lives.
Now, temporary removal of inflammatory foods may make sense as a short term fix, but as a long term just won't work.
Let me ask...if you have ever cut out inflammatory foods, did you get to a point where those sensitivities diminished? Or did you, in fact, find not only could you no longer eat those foods but soon enough, also couldn't eat a few more?
Maybe that hasn't happened to you yet, but by now, many of us know people who are living out that nightmare.
So let me ask you, if cutting foods led to more and more elimination...did you actually change the picture or did you just take away an irritant?
See, so much has been written about this topic of inflammation, this topic of harnessing and stimulating the metabolism, and a lot of people are working on a theory that if you just take away all the inflammatory substances, that you'll suddenly have a dramatic change.
Now granted, some people do feel immensely better, at least for a period of time by taking out all the “pro-inflammatory” foods, but an equal number of people eventually find that it wears off and or they get to a point where then they can't tolerate the slightest bit of irritation via food that isn't on their approved anti-inflammatory list.
Worse yet, I've heard from women all the time telling me, I cut out five foods at the beginning and now I'm up to a list of 10 that I don't tolerate at all.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is a classic sign of a system that is moving forward in inflammatory damage, not away from it.
Becoming less and less tolerant of foods is a classic sign that your cells are going into lower and lower energy states, which means you're actually heading closer and closer and closer to shut down.
Now maybe that shut down doesn't have as much pain as it used to have or as much bloating or diarrhea or constipation as it used to have, but it is shut down, nonetheless.
There is a difference between avoiding instigators and healing the cell layer, and this is what I think is getting missed across the board.
People assume if they just avoid those foods forever, it's going to work, but who can avoid those foods forever?
Do you really see yourself avoiding sugar, wheat, eggs, soy, dairy, corn, and God knows what else for the rest of your life? How easy is it to live that life?
If you live as a human on this planet and you can't tolerate foods that we've been eating for thousands of years, what does it say about your place in the chain of vitality?
Why is it that all over the world can still consume wheat and dairy and soy and sugar and corn and eggs without problems and yet you have become intolerant?
Wouldn't you rather live in a body that was resilient enough to eat virtually anything but yet know the guidelines of what promotes cell vitality and raises your total ability to heal rather than being stuck in a low energy state that also has no choices as far as food is concerned?
This is what I see, especially with autoimmune conditions and serious health issues. People go into these diets that contain basically salad chicken, some fish, maybe some rice, a little bit of olive oil, and some coconut oil, maybe some fruit but not much else.
I don't know about you but that just doesn't seem like living, especially considering that after a while those diets tend to start to falter. And again, like I said, we have to cut out more things.
I've seen the same thing be true in so many people.
I started to wonder, this can't really be it. Our list of avoids can't get expansive, it should be contracting.
A sign of health is a body that has adaptability, resiliency, the ability to handle stress.
After all, that's what those foods are... stress. The more foods that you can't tolerate, the more examples your body's saying, I don't handle stress well, I don't have a mechanism to bounce back...please help me do that.
Yet so many of these plans and processes address stress by simply throwing some turmeric, B vitamins, adaptogens and antioxidants at it.
So, if that is health, can I ask…
When you were 20 did you think...heck yeah, over 40 I'm not gonna be able to eat anything...I'm going to have to work out like crazy just to maintain my physique...I'm going to hurt...I'm not going to sleep...and I won't want to have sex with my husband or my partner.
Would you have signed up for that future?
Are you willing to accept that reality plus all the likely decline that comes with age going forward?
Would you rather be able to variably eat sleep like a queen, have sex when you want to and feel good every day and not have to think about it so much?
I thought so...
That's the option that I offer because I don't believe that cutting more is the answer to our long term health. I don't believe that developing more food sensitivities as we age is at all a good sign. I don't believe that we need more and more interventions. I don't believe that you can heal your full body by working one system at a time.
If you want to explore my reality where food is fun, life is expansive, our symptoms are reducing, and we actually get our life back, reach out. That's what I do.
Set up a call with us and let's see IF we can help!
Love and Blessings
Dr. Julie
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