You Are Not Pieces
Someone told me the other day that they wish they had called me first, but, instead, they did three other programs this past year, one for their mindset, one for their fear residuals from childhood, and one on diet.
The outcome: some shifts, but still stuck.
The reason she found herself still stuck is, you cannot separate the body or our experience into pieces, taking the mind stuff in one corner, the emotions in another, the body in yet another. You are not separation, you are connected DIVINE expression.
Healing is supposed to be the rejoining of your whole self. Those emotional experiences are not sitting somewhere in isolation, they are part of your cells, those cells which are existing in a low function state, not sending messages, tired, not using nutrients, not producing a sensation of life...yes, those cells are the same ones having the experience of fear, of restricted belief, of stuckness.
Too many “experts” advocate that once they teach you to clear your fears or create new beliefs, all will be healed….and from my experience, they are wrong. I will say, I believe it is just that they don’t understand how it connects, and because they love the territory of the mind, but know nothing of the connections in the body, so they dismiss it as being a byproduct of your thoughts only.
Now, the body is responding to what you believe about you, it is enacting those messages in your mind, and the state within which you live. But, it is also a generator of those experiences, and to shift that level of our experience, to get out of pain, exhaustion, numbness, limited living and despair, we cannot just think ourselves out of it, we have to collude ourselves out of it.
There is an alchemy to our BEING, an alchemy that takes what we nourish with, what we feel and what we believe and produces an outcome. That alchemy, once dormant, in hibernation, needs awakening, and we awaken it by partnering with our BEING through:
Conscious movement
Proper nutrients
Emotional work
You see, belief and emotional work are pieces of the path, not the whole path, just as you are elements of many things, not just one element.
This woman isn’t finding herself at health, because the work she did, although good, was done out of order and out of reference to the body, the structure she lives in. As a result, she spent thousands and months of time only to find herself a bit better, but not alive, not joyful, not happy, not energetic, not thriving.
You cannot cut corners, the work is the work, you will have to be willing to take the journey of restoration, you cannot read the pamphlet or do one step of many and expect a return.
How many places in your life are suffering under this one piece model of living? Is it showing up in your relationships? In your job? In your kids? In your spiritual life?
Are you not only suffocating under the weight of weight and fatigue and inflammation, but watching your life suffocate too?
This is what happens when we don’t know how to heal the whole and end up trying to piece together little bits in hopes that it will address them all.
It is a costly path to take, not just money, but the longer we dally with our wholeness, watching it decline and living in worry, fear and despair, the more that becomes who we are, and there comes a point, where it is irrecoverable.
What point are you at?
What if this is what it will be for the rest of your life unless you take the whole journey to healing?
This is the journey I take my clients on, a journey it took me 20 years in medicine and healing to understand, this isn’t just the body, it is the whole you, and your healing journey has to reflect that too.
I take on a small group of women to guide on this journey every month. If you are sitting, reading this and wondering how you will ever get back to you, it is time to stop dallying and start choosing to live, it is time to reach out and begin to heal.
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