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You Don't Need Permission To Heal

Uncategorized Mar 14, 2015

Speaking with a friend the other night, this phrase entered the conversation: "permission to heal."  At first, I considered it from the perspective of self permission, and for sure, found within so many of those I have worked with over the years, a sense of not giving our self permission to heal.  But then I considered it from the simple implications of the word permission and found myself recoiling from this word.

Surrounded by ways we are expected to ask for permission, I found myself feeling blocked at the idea of asking for permission once again.  After all, isn't this what we do at the doctors office? We enter full of trepidation and fear, we meekly tell what we are experiencing, we hope they are listening, we wait for them to make their assessment and then we accept their assignment of our self as whatever illness, diagnosis or designation they have come up with.  If we challenge these designations in most cases, we find ourselves alienated, and pushed away, thwarted for the sheer arrogance of not maintaining the attitude of permission.

We don't need permission to heal but we have been waiting for it all of our lives! How many people have died because the doctors told them there was no hope, no cure no options?  
Yet how many wonder stories can we find of those who heard that same message and walked away from it, who thumbed their nose at the idea someone else can tell us what our life will and will not hold for us. I know, not everyone feels confident enough to walk away from the conventional medical world, confined by fear and worry, many will boldly walk the line between the two, which can be fine if we also recognize that doctors are just humans with advanced degrees. They cannot see the future, they use rather arcane methods to determine our overall health, and sadly, most don't really believe in healing at all.

My friend and I were discussing Regenetics and the DNA activations I have been doing when this phrase came up.  She was remarking at her emerging loss of fear and doubt as her body moves through this healing.  If fear and doubt no longer control and direct our actions, we find ourselves no longer needing to ask for permission because we are tapping into an infinite source of understanding within which fear and doubt have no home. Perhaps this is the foundation of healing, using methods which tap into the infinite, so that the limiting methods of self-confinement can be discharged and authentic healing can emerge.

In our conversation, I relayed to her my impressions of what I feel the Regenetics work does to our basic self which is: It reconnects us so completely, that source floods and innervates every cell so that everything which is not of source automatically falls away, is discharged or fully eliminated.  In this action, we find ourselves liberated to a state of what I call "is".  
Here, we exist integrated with source, and as the source has no need for fear, doubt, or permissions, we find ourselves also slowly and surely being set free of these encumbrances.  It isn't some magical, starry-eyed, rainbow light-filled emergence, it just "is".

Our perception of self permission is directly informed by our adherence to strong external declarations of a need to conform.  We don't allow ourselves permission to heal mostly because the message we receive daily doesn't allow for it.  Yet, we have never needed permission to heal, much as a river doesn't need permission to flow and a tree doesn't need permission to grow.  You have never needed permission to heal, not now, not ever....so go ahead what are you waiting for?

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