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You Matter Too

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2017

He came careening from the left, just a blur, barely fitting between the car next to us and the space in front of us. My breath caught in my chest, I gasped and exclaimed “Oh My GOD”.

We looked at each other, my husband less wide-eyed than me, because he had seen the guy coming, and had managed to slow down just in time to make the space he knew the car was headed to big enough to fit.  We continued driving, catching our breath, slowing our heart rate, until we reached the next light and by chance the very same car.

We pulled up next to it, both still in shock, the passenger rolls down the window sheepishly, obviously expecting to be yelled at, immediately saying I’m sorry, really, sorry.  The driver, however, begins with bravado, “you all right buddy” he says with just a touch of arrogant tone.  My husband calmly answers, “yes, I was more worried about you”. It goes like this back and forth, my husband encouraging him to consider the other people around him, the driver mocking with each statement. Then, out of nowhere, I call to him, “Hey, your life is important too” my husband pauses, repeats it to him and we drive away.

We drove in silence for a few minutes until he looks at me and says, “I like what you said to him, that he mattered too.”

I have been thinking about this exchange since it happened, and I wonder, how many people have been told that they matter too?

From my view, polarization is growing, Facebook alone is filled with posts of us versus them, those who believe and those who don’t and very little common ground between on which to stand.

But I must wonder, where does this get us?  How will dividing us all into little camps of belief and allegiance lead to something more expansive than what we have right now?

You Matter Too

I am committed to perpetuating this mantra.  Will you join me?

What happens if we walk into every space holding this thought?

What happens to our casual conversations and our intimate relationships and our families?

Think of the possibility, all the ways we can enact this one simple statement, all the ways we can choose to make this something more people hear.

So, to all of you reading this, YOU MATTER TOO.

Blessings and Love

Dr. Julie

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