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Bandaids On Bullet Holes

Would you ever consider putting a bandaid on a bullet hole? Now, you may be thinking….why would I ever do that?

It sounds so simple, of course not! but if you want to know the truth, this is what 90 percent of the world is doing with regards to healing. Taking a symptom-based approach to long term health and in the process, never getting to the truth, never addressing the root.  

Let’s take a look at just two of the most hot button topics in healing right now...SIBO and Hypothyroidism.  

SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth syndrome) is the condition of name right now being ascribed as the cause of a multitude of conditions...and most commonly, docs and health practitioners are touting...if your guts not right neither is your body...fix your SIBO and watch your total health change.

Now, challenge is, that statement is 100% right...if your gut is sick, you will be too...BUT they're looking at it as a condition whereby your gut balance is disrupted, and the only...

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What if you aren't lazy?

lifeforce self-healing Jun 14, 2021
That fatigue that is wearing you down, making life get smaller and smaller, making you have to choose to not do things you love, making you say NO so very often, making you feel like you are just lazy, and lack motivation. 
It isn't going away.
This isn't a season, or the job you have or your lack of willpower, this isn't menopause or the lack of exercise or even quarantine. 
There is no super fast remedy or magic pill for this, and yes, it is actually getting worse 
You can't wait this out.
It has to be remedied now.
But, truth is, no one understands fatigue, most doctors, health coaches, Functional medicine practitioners, honestly, they think it is all gut and adrenal, some think it is the weight you have added.
They are wrong,  I say that because not only have I lived it, but, I was offered or tried all those options.
Truth is, it is all of you, mind, emotion, spirit and body, a problem not remedied by a...
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You have been trying so hard to heal…

You have been trying so hard to heal….

Trust me, I know!  All those special plans, books, diets, supplements, herbs, meditation, paying attention to your mindset, getting movement...I know you have been working on healing for a long time.

It honestly sucks to have worked so much and have so little to celebrate about the outcomes!  Especially when you see other people saying it was just this “one” shift that did all the work.

I have a secret for you, it was never just one shift.

I have followed so many “gurus” over the years, watching their FB posts, reading their emails, and guess what...not one time was that “one” shift they sell the thing that healed them, and another truth...many of them aren’t really healed at all.

Reality is, there has never been just “one” thing wrong with our system when it presents us with symptoms...and symptoms are the result of maladaptation in body self regulation that has likely gone...

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Are you standing in your own way?

lifeforce mindset May 30, 2021

Are you standing in your own way? 

It's a really important question, especially when it comes to your healing.

We stand in our own way by thinking that we just need to try one more restrictive diet, cut out five more foods or find the perfect blend of supplements, adaptogens, or herbs.  We do it by chasing that one thing...hormones, gut, mold, EBV, food allergies and more.

We do it by figuring it is just our emotions, our mind, our energetic pathways, or our past and trying to isolate down to the ONE event, issue or problem we have to solve.  Now, I get it, wanting it to be ONE thing, it seems easier, but, truth is, it has never been and will never be just ONE part of you that is exhausted, it is all of you and it is real

Operating this way creates a blockage in our healing because it takes us out of association with our body as a whole, tends to isolate us into our head and cuts us off from what our body and our real emotional state is going through.

To heal, it is...

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Stop Exercising

lifeforce mindset May 16, 2021

Stop Exercising.

You may be thinking, this is insane, I won’t stop exercising, that is a recipe for disaster.

But, hear me out.

Exercise carries with it an implied definition, as in movement we do for the purpose of being some way different.  Sometimes it is stronger, sometimes it is to run farther, sometimes to be more agile, and many times to lose weight.  Meaning, exercise is our replacement for the natural human instinct to move.

We never had exercise until modern civilization, there wasn’t a need, we never forgot to move, or forgot to walk or use our body.  Now, we count steps.

The question is: Is there a difference?

Yes! A dramatic one! Exercise done on obligation is like any other chore, we do it, but we don’t love it, and our body knows the difference.  Think of the last time you went dancing with good friends or played at the beach with your kids, that was exercise, but did you experience it as such? Not likely, because you weren't...

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lifeforce mindset May 09, 2021
Why won’t you listen to me?
Ever had that conversation with your body?

Maybe you haven’t had it overtly, but if you are like me, you have had it...in the form of food, in the form of exercise, even in the form of meditation...can’t count the number of times, I have spoken with others about why they weren’t feeling peaceful after they had been dedicated to meditation daily for months.

We think, my body should listen, look at all the “good” things I am doing for it
My body should have responded more by now
My body should have changed more by  now
My body needs to step it up

I know you have said it, I can say this with confidence, because I lived most of my life there…

THINKING that because I was DOING the “right” things my body should respond with change to reflect what I wanted.

Do you see the disconnect? THINKING…

Except that our biology doesn’t respond well to thinking...it is more of an emotional action...

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Would you talk to a child like you talk to you?

How many of you secretly wish your body would just behave?

Do you think about how tired you are and just think...this isn’t right, come on! 
Do you think about your weight and think...what’s wrong with me?
Do you try to separate from your body...distracting yourself with anything you can find just so you don’t have to be in it?

And yet, how many of you are raising kids, have raised kids or are an auntie or special inspiration to a child?

Would you ever let them talk to their body the way you talk to yours?
Would you tell your kids that their fatigue just doesn’t warrant solving?
Would you tell them to push past the pain? Suck it up?
Would you tell them they are the flaw when they are worried about their weight?
Would you put them on super restrictive diets and put them down when they didn’t succeed?
Would you send them to the gym or to enroll in a Beachbody program despite pain, fatigue and depression?
I ask because this is what I see...
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Is Your Light Dimming

lifeforce mindset Mar 29, 2021

Do you wonder why you don't feel well?

Do you think...well, my friends don’t feel well either...so...maybe this is life after 40? 

Do you figure it's just life, or stress or aging?


Doesn’t this strike you as odd?  That not feeling well is so common we just accept it as the way life goes?  Don’t you ever wonder why?


We as a collective have diminished our expectations of life so much that we figure as women that by the time we reach 40, oor 50 or 60, that not feeling alive is just part of the pattern...we assume not well is ok, as long as Dr’s say they can’t find cancer, as long as we can pretty much show up in life, and pretend normal, as long as we can still fake it, still make dinner, still push through.


When did we agree to such a small version of our life that we assume such a small normal?


It strikes me as funny and quite honestly terribly sad that we honestly wait for illness to assume action...that we...

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Expect To Go Out Of Your Way

Expect to go out of your way

Expect to leave the path you have known

Expect it to be hard at times

Expect it to change you

Expect it to make you wonder if it is worth it

Expect to be a bit uncomfortable 

These are descriptions of any journey worth taking, of every challenge that was worthy of changing you of every true transformation.

Healing is no different 

In fact, I could argue even more so because healing when true, is every part of you shifted, strengthened, grown, nourished and changed in some small or huge way 

I have news for you...a diet isn't healing 

Supplements aren't healing

Exercise isn't healing


I suppose you wonder, how can she say that, how can she say that what I put in my body isn't healing?


Because food crafted in absence of conscience, of grace to your system and without intent to collude with the Life Force which cultivates you is just matter and particles...some of which are good and some of which are bad.


See, Healing...

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Is FEAR ruining your life?

lifeforce mindset Mar 15, 2021

Don't let FEAR stop you from claiming your DIVINE, AWESOME, GODDESS VITALITY!

But, why are so many people so stuck?  FEAR

Yes- you read correctly!

Every day, I hear examples of FEAR holding people back: 

" I can't find anyone to look deeper than symptoms”

" I have tried everything I can think of....."

" I have too many problems...."

" I need to wait until.....(house sells, kid graduates, new water heater, pay off other medical bills....)

" I'm afraid…."

" I think I might be too tired to do this"

" I'm afraid I won’t be here in 10 more years"

" I'm afraid I will just not be able to keep up”

" I'm afraid my husband is going to leave me”  (due to lack of connection, fatigue and low libido)

" I'm afraid I am going to get cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia"

Isn’t it amazing all the ways FEAR shows up?

When you think about it, in our states of deep exhaustion, most of the time, unless we choose with...

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