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Finding the right Doctor isn't the answer

Uncategorized Aug 04, 2019

It seems like a lot of people are on the search for the “perfect” Doctor.

Sorry to say, that just isn’t the answer to your health journey.

Truth is, if you have exhaustion, hormonal issues, inflammation, autoimmune issues, weight issues, and pain - you have patterns you will need to manage and deal with the rest of your life.

So, what if you find that perfect person and they retire? Or worse yet…die?

Then What?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to learn to adopt habits which can always work? To access skills that are specific to your system and how you operate?  To know how to recognize what your body does under stress and how to change those patterns no matter what happens?

If you know this - you won’t ever have to search out that “perfect” practitioner ever again!

It is time we cultivated our own knowledge and skill and took responsibility and ownership of our personal healing.  Now, you DO need someone to show...

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Are you waiting for Easy?

Uncategorized Aug 01, 2019

A friend of mine was talking the other day about the time it takes to build a business, saying you have to give yourself at least a year of hard work,  long days of sacrifice, often diminished sleep and time with friends and time with family, with very little money and challenge before you really expect to begin to see big results.

To this conversation, she got a litany of agreement.

Now you may be thinking what does this have to do with health?

Well, I wondered how many people will agree to invest a year of their life in building a business but will balk at investing a year of their life in their health?  

So, I ask, are you waiting for it to be easy?
Truth is, our body is way more complex than any business could ever be….we live in a complex biological structure with multidimensional levels:  physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

We are dealing with a structure that can carry forward not only the experiences of our life...aka the emotions, trauma,...

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”I don't have time for that”

Uncategorized Jul 28, 2019

Do you say: ”I don't have time for that

Or  “Time is my biggest obstacle

Do you find yourself saying time is the reason you can’t exercise, or meditate or eat the best foods or even nourish yourself?

I get it, I have 3 kids, I run a practice, I cook all of our food…I really get it.

But, can I ask, is there another life coming to you that I just don’t know about? Is there a second wind of full refueling for your cells and systems waiting for you at retirement?

Because this isn’t just a body, this body is your life, it is your assets, it is your retirement, your savings, your financial net worth as well as your joy, inspiration, love, happiness and the only way you will ever get to experience anything AMAZING ever!

All of that other stuff…yes stuff occupying your time…work, cleaning your house, checking Facebook, watching TV, driving kids to practice….

If they are acting as your deterrent to...

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Functional Medicine isn't the answer

Uncategorized Jul 21, 2019

Years ago, I thought Functional Medicine was the way to go...it was when I was still new at practice and honestly, hadn’t really gotten my feet planted yet.  In my desire to have better answers for my patients, I dove in, expecting to find massive clarity and huge answers to some of the challenging issues presenting for so many of my patients: exhaustion, weight gain, perpetual hormonal issues, pain, mood disorders and more.

Now, only about a year into that adventure, I walked away from functional medicine altogether, finding that it was nothing more than a way to keep prescribing an ongoing onslaught of supplements and massive doses of “bioidentical hormones” to sick people who had no other options.  

Problem was...it just didn’t work.  Patients weren’t getting better and staying there and along the way, they were having issues emerge in other systems which required totally different treatment plans...consequently, you would start at the...

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The BS story I used to believe

Uncategorized Jul 14, 2019

One of the complete bullshit stories that I used to tell myself when I was a practicing physician while exhausted and not sleeping was "I just need a break".

Now, despite my gut being inflamed and always bloated, my joints hurting, headaches, horrible periods, chronic skin conditions, feeling perpetually stressed, anxious and angry…even with all I knew, I still thought….I probably just needed a good long weekend. 

I would sit and think: If I could just have a true break, if I could just take a week off or two weeks off, or on a particularly bad day….I bet if I could just take a month off or I bet if I could just organize my schedule better, I would feel better. 

Now the reason why I say it's a complete bullshit story is that if one of my children had been feeling tired, achy, headachy, their joints hurt, their gut was inflamed, they weren't sleeping, their energy sucked, their mind was foggy. I would have moved heaven and earth to take care of...

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You can't rush healing

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2019

No matter how much we want to, we cannot rush healing. We cannot make it happen in a timeline that we establish and the simple reason for that is healing is an elemental relationship of the body taking on a self-directed restoration course. 

The fact is, most of us have been ignorant and unaware of what has actually happened in our bodies over the last 20 or 30 years. Because of that, because we didn't have our awareness in those moments when we were collecting toxicity, when we were storing emotions, when we were storing chemical toxins, we don't really recognize how big our healing is.

Because of our modern world, we think it should happen overnight, it should be quick. "I just need to change this or change that."

The fact is, healing is actually the quintessential experience of reunification on every level of our being, and that cannot be rushed. 

Real healing is not just a physical experience, it's a mental, emotional and spiritual experience that is linked to...

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How long does it take to heal?

Uncategorized Jul 07, 2019

How long does it take to heal?

I know people ask that question all the time and the thing is it's not really the question we should be asking because that in truth is a question with too many variables to answer accurately.

The reality is, what we desire to heal is the accumulation in most cases of 20,30, 40, or 50 years of buildup in our bodies build upon a biological, physical level, but also on a mental, emotional level. It's, all the programming we've accumulated in addition to no one ever teaches us how to actually feed ourselves, no one ever actually teaching us what makes our biology happy, no one ever teaches us how to be one.

So the bigger question to ask is what does healing really mean to you?
I suppose it comes down to, do you want to know what it feels like to be you at the most brilliant, amazing, best you can possibly be in any circumstance or do you just want to look better in a mirror and feel okay?

For right now I think we as humans have unfortunately...

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What is Stress anyway?

Uncategorized Jul 04, 2019

One of the biggest modern-day challenges is that we have become so deeply separated from what's actually happening inside of our bodies.

We have been lulled into a false sense of knowing and we've set parameters that make no sense and the biggest place where we become disconnected is with regards to the impact of stress on our physiology.

There's a couple of things that people believe that simply aren't true and number one is they think if they can rest, if they can take some time off work, that it will stop the stress response.

Number two is that if they do energy work or acupuncture or get chiropractic adjustments, it will be enough to stop the stress response and that simply is not true either. (Mind you, I am an acupuncturist).
The next thing that they believe is if they just get more movement, it will stop the effect of stress in their cells and that's not true and actually makes it worse.

People often believe if they can just cut out the sugar reign in their diet, it...

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What is metabolism anyway

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2019

A strong metabolism is not actually what you think it is. Unfortunately, most people hear the word metabolism and think it is about how effectively I'm burning calories, but that really isn't what metabolism is.

Metabolism is the function of your cells.

Can your cells use what you're giving them and actually make energy and make heat and send messages? Can they move minerals and nutrients around? Can they send messages? Can they repair damage? Can they detoxify?

The reality is, your weight has nothing to do with your metabolism because weight is an entirely other factor.

Why we gain weight doesn't necessarily equate to whether we have functional cells are dysfunctional cells.

This is a conversation I have with women all the time because I have women that I work with who do carry extra weight and women that I work with who don't carry extra weight.

One of them asked me the other day, well if I have such slow functioning cells then why aren't I huge?

It was such a great...

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Watch out for these trends

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2019

Ultimately, most people fail when they do programs and processes to heal fatigue, burnout, and exhaustion because the current model for this problem doesn't understand the cellular reality.

Let's explore some common methods:

One of the most popular is fasting. It's become very popular to cite studies showing that fasting rejuvenates the body.  Many will say it recovers cell energy, but here's the problem with that.

Eliminating or limiting food in an exhausted body will cause your cells to drop into an even lower energy state as they try to survive.  Cortisol is the main hormone used to do this, from a cortisol state, our cells become less responsive to insulin, our metabolism of essential nutrients slows down and we begin to age.  From this place, your body isn't dedicating any energy to repair because it lacks the capacity to do so.

Now in some limited cases, fasting can be a beautiful tool and there are two situations where it works very well.

Number one...

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