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Storage units and unlimited living

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2019

I was driving down the road the other day in my town, which is a suburb of Detroit, I had this realization. See, there are two self-storage places within a half-mile of each other, which got me thinking, what do people put in their self-storage units?

Here there are these big complexes filled with little garages where people lock up stuff that they don't need right now but don't want to get rid of.

It made me wonder what do they own so much of that they don't need to use right now but that they also don't want to part with?

We've all seen the tv shows about these units that people just stopped paying on, then, the stuff gets auctioned off and sometimes inside these places people find stuff that's worth, you know, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100,000 dollars.

On one hand, the person who owned that unit could have sold that sh@t long ago and given themselves the chance to craft an entirely new existence, invested in something that would have changed their health, their business,  their...

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Metabolic Vitality VS Stress Induced Weight Loss

Uncategorized Jan 13, 2019
A common theme when I talk to women is: I managed to maintain my weight most of my life or I've always carried extra, but I could always bring it down, cut out a bit more, and then I would have it under control.  But, by the time they're talking to me, they're at a place where they don't seem to be able to do that anymore. Saying: I can cut more, it doesn't have the same impact.
Cutting things out...seems to be the mantra of what constitutes a diet now, cutting carbs, cutting calories, cutting protein or fats...seems like almost everywhere one looks, there are theory-based diets looking to cut a major dietary force out of our diet.
What most people don't realize is, cutting things out of the Diet in an extreme way creates a sense of urgency and stress in our system and system stress equates to STRESS HORMONES.
Sometimes our body will happily lose weight under the influence of stress hormones because transiently, that's what they do...after all, that's how...
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Do you trust you?

Uncategorized Jan 10, 2019
Do you have faith in your body?
I mean sincerely. Do you have faith in your body's ability to thrive?
Do you have faith that it is doing everything correctly according to the information that's been given?
Do you have faith that your body knows how to repair itself?
Do you have faith in your cellular systems? Have you ever even thought about them?
Have you ever thought about your Mitochondria, or your cell receptors or your cell membranes?
Now, if you don't, your mitochondria are where among other things, energy is produced inside each and every cell. Literally, the spark of life is generated inside each and every cell through a complex series of communication reactions.
So, do you have faith that your mitochondria can keep making energy?
I ask because if you are accepting, well, I guess being tired is just part of aging, or I guess joints do hurt over 40, I guess it's normal to have a hormonal imbalance, or to not sleep so well, or...
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Is waiting for tomorrow becoming never?

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2019
I hear people say all the time how expensive they feel it is to heal.
And yet, I wonder, is it healing that is expensive or rather not having healed, and the cost of staying put or waiting for tomorrow?
If you look up the simple costs of the most common conditions people present with, the costs are grim at best:
Fatigue: 2000/year
Insomnia: 2200-2400/year
Obesity: 2000/year
Diabetes: 13000/year
Heart Conditions: 18000/year
Cancer: up to 30,000/month
Autoimmune Disease: 2-10,000/year
Chronic Pain: 2000-15000/year
Those costs don’t even include the random doctor visits, the supplements bought on the hope they will work, or specialty foods bought because one blogger said this diet saved their life.
Plus, figuring that women over 40 are 60% more likely to end up on Prescription meds than men, and that the average cost of those meds in women over 50 is 90/month, if you manage to live to 80, at those rates, you can plan to spend 32,400 over that...
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Day One or One Day

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2019
Day One or One Day.
I love that statement.
Is it Day One of the rest of your life where you've claimed the vibrant real you, the goddess you, the essential you, the sexy, you, the creative you, the inspired you, the you that has a relationship that soars and a career that you love and a body that matches all of it?
Or is it One Day I will have those things?
It's a huge difference and it matters greatly. You know what the difference is between those who say One Day and those who say, this is Day One is that the same amount of time passes in both of those people's lives, but six months in the future, the one that said Day One is standing with an entirely different view of life than the one that said One Day.
Because the one saying One Day, one day it'll happen, one day it'll make sense, one day I'll take that leap, I'll make that action step.
It is literally that simple. What is the difference between the women that said, this is Day One...
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How to claim your dreams in 2019

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2019
As you approach the new year have you started to think: I bet I just need to double down in this new year. I bet I just need to get really serious about what I eat, I need to cut my carbs, I need to eat more good protein, or I need to go vegan or I need to increase my fat.
Do you tell yourself: you're getting up and you're going to the gym. That's it. We are going to get the energy back, we are going to heal our metabolism,  we're going to get really serious.
Does that sound familiar? I mean, it's pretty much how it's advertised to us this time of year.
How many years have you used that same mantra?
Just going to get really serious.
How many times have you gotten really serious about your food and did it change what you wanted? Hormones balanced, sleep amazing, mind clear, feeling fantastic, strong metabolism….
How many times have you seen that really happen?
Now, we have all seen weight loss, because forcing the body to...
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Pink Tax on our health

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2019
I'm sure you've all heard of the pink tax. The fact that women's products and services tend to be exorbitantly more expensive than men's products and services got me thinking about the role of the pink tax on our health.
Women have extraordinarily more complicated health issues than men do, and it's because our bodies are literally more complicated, between our hormonal systems, the intricacy in our cell responses and emotional function and nuances of our blood movement and nature cycles, keeping women health is harder than keeping men healthy.
Truth be told, the pink tax isn't just showing up in the cost of razors or underwear, It's showing up in the totality of our life.
Women are affected by toxicity, stress, and nutrient depletion exponentially more than men, yet, most of the medical model is based on the idea that our body is simply groupings of organs and parts thus making symptom-based management acceptable.
One of my early mentors in Chinese...
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Vitality or Energy...Your Choice

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2018

There's a difference between vitality and energy, a really significant observable difference.

See, vitality is the expression of divine language inside our body, inside our mind, in the sense of our emotions and the connection to spirit. That's what vitality is, but energy is the appearance of the ability to do what we need to do.

Huge difference.

I point this out because I find the path to creating energy is quite simple. You just need to figure out a way to make the body steal from one place to give to another. In most cases, cultivation of energy is really the appearance of energy.

To this regard, sugar works high-intensity exercise works, energy boosters like high dose B vitamins or adrenal adaptogens work, and in some cases, even Thyroid hormone replacement works like this.  Stealing from one to give to the other to give the appearance of change.

Vitality is the restoration of the actual language of creation, which is your true source of energy throughout your body, in...

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Want Real Beauty? Try This

Uncategorized Dec 25, 2018

Are you concerned about your skin?

Societally, we spend billions trying to improve or enhance the look and feel of our skin and how our face presents to the world. Now those billions say something profound...we don’t like what we see and are willing to pay big money to fix it.

Reality is, we are aging rapidly.  

Now, let me ask, is that a skin problem or a body one?

Is putting all of these lotions, potions, and creams on our face doing anything to actually solve it?

Perhaps even more so, Is it potentially causing harm?

Is it creating toxicity in our organs and therefore raising our risk for cancer?

Is it also distracting us from the reality of our situation to the point where we falsely believe we have more time?

I've noticed that a lot of women lathering on makeup to create a dewy, fresh look of healthy, supple skin when in reality if they take all that off, there's dark circles, bags under the eyes, wrinkles and red patches...all signs of inflammation and rapid cellular...

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Will intermittent Fasting Restore Your Energy

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2018
Let's talk about intermittent fasting.
I would say outside of Keto, intermittent fasting is probably the second most prevalent health technique people are employing on their own now. There's a good case to be made for the benefits of caloric restriction at least based on mice studies. However, if we and look at cultures who have extremely long lives and vibrant health, we do not find persistent ongoing caloric restriction as part of their cultural pattern. In fact, we find higher caloric intake than even most Americans. However, we do find nutrient-dense foods of high quality and zero packaged, premade, toxic food intake.  It should also be noted, that mice studies may not be entirely quotable because of our obvious physiological differences, looking for corollaries between mice and humans is a bit challenging.
Now, there are those who ascribe that their health history radically improved by intermittent fasting, and there can be a possibility for benefit there if...
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