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Finding the Right Doctor isn't the Answer

lifeforce mindset Jan 18, 2021

It seems like a lot of people are on the search for the “perfect” Doctor.

Sorry to say, that just isn’t the answer to your health journey.

Truth is, if you have exhaustion, hormonal issues, inflammation, autoimmune issues, weight issues, and pain - you have patterns you will need to manage and deal with the rest of your life.

So, what if you find that perfect person and they retire? Or worse yet...die?

Then What?

Wouldn’t it make more sense to learn to adopt habits which can always work? To access skills that are specific to your system and how you operate?  To know how to recognize what your body does under stress and how to change those patterns no matter what happens?

If you know this - you won’t ever have to search out that “perfect” practitioner ever again!

It is time we cultivated our own knowledge and skill and took responsibility and ownership of our personal healing.  Now, you DO need someone to show you what steps you...

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Healing Myth: It's all Hormonal

lifeforce self-healing Jan 11, 2021

I know you want this exhaustion thing to just be hormones, but it's not.

Many women find they pass over 40 and start wondering what happened, they are tired, feel frumpy, inflamed, are angry way too often, they begin to lose interest in life, don’t find joy like they used to, can’t sleep and feel old.

The lie surrounding this is that it is hormones…

Now, I will say, hormones play a role here, but it isn’t a hormonal problem, they aren’t balanced because your body can’t balance them, and it can’t do that because your cells have been running on stress so long, you burned up all available resources.

Remember in your 30’s when you never stopped? Remember when you were supermom and PTA president, and worked full time and still had an immaculate house?

Yes, that phase of life, where you saw stopping as weakness, and taking a day to lie around as indulgent??

Do you remember when you took the birth control pill for years and years to deal...

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It Isn't About Nutrients

diet lifeforce Jan 04, 2021

The health world has gone mad, all the focus is on nutrients, but not on impact, on the small bits but not the big picture.  We are assessing people to death, running crazy in depth blood panels, saliva test, stool tests, toxicity assessments and all manner of micro evaluations, meanwhile, people are still suffering.

We are seeing more and more “alternative” docs just collecting data, as if they will somehow find the needle in the haystack if they just put enough little pieces of data on the board, and yet, too many have had all those evaluations and still are sick.

This is the crisis.  One might expect if everyone just said yes to every pharmaceutical offered that illness and chronic illness might be common.  But, I am seeing chronic illness perpetuate in those who have been diligently taking those vitamins and swallowing the herbs, eating “clean” and “keto” and “plant based” for years...and they aren’t growing in...

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Are You Asking Your Body for Too Much?

diet self-healing Dec 28, 2020

We put so much responsibility on our body.  Have you ever really thought about what it takes on?

Every insult, external and internal, every bad day, bad mood, outburst of anger, all the times you feel fear, all the sadness that there wasn't time to feel, the scary movies, the terrible news stories, that argument with your mom, the fight with your best friend, the time you looked in the mirror and said the image there was ugly, or unworthy….not to mention the days you drank a coke and had a cupcake for lunch, or the really crappy truck stop coffee, or the days you never slept or drank any water.

All those things are currently stored in your organs...seriously.

The other day, While getting an abdominal therapeutic massage, I laid there, breathing through the discomfort, imagining my organs,  saying hi to each one as the therapist opened up the restrictions, smiling into them, thanking them, and witnessing just how much pain was in these small places...small intestine,...

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But I Eat So Well

diet mindset Dec 21, 2020

Do you use eating well as a way to avoid giving your body the attention it deserves?

I used to base my “health esteem” on my “Good” eating patterns, on my diligence to choosing the cleanest foods, the pastured meats, the freshest and most accessible local foods.

I know that doesn’t sound like a bad thing, but I was using my logical brain to cajole my emotions and my body experience into being right even when there were issues.

I hear this all the time….BUT I EAT SO WELL

A call from the logical brain to say...we did a good job, why won’t everything in our body just act like we did?

Funny enough, our body doesn’t function by the rules of the mind, and the logic we have built up so well into our fortified walls of internal justification just don’t work in the flow and movement of our internal systems.

In fact, logic fails to account for the way our body really works. Let's take salad, I hear about 10 times per week women...

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Are You Sabotaging Your Life?

mindset self-healing Dec 16, 2020

There's a quote by Candace Pert, author of Molecules of Emotion, that says 


“Body and mind are one, the body is the actual outward manifestation in a physical space of the mind”


Really powerful words, especially when we start to contemplate how that relates to us. 


If I am exhausted, if I'm tired, if I'm carrying extra weight, if I have headaches, digestive problems, low libido, thyroid issues, adrenal issues, autoimmune issues, heart disease, arterial plaque, diabetes, we've been taught to contemplate those as isolated events associated with one organ, one system.


Which is why we rabidly dive in to dietary plans, be they autoimmune or super restrictive for weight loss. We dive in to supplements...this one has been said to lower Leptin levels, this one adjusts blood sugar, this one is a master life altering antioxidant.


Or we dive into visualization….visualizing ourselves healed….but we never change the...

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How much time is spent monitoring your body?

lifeforce Dec 04, 2020


Will I have energy for that?

Can I eat that now or will it make me feel terrible?

Will I be up for that walk or hike

Will my pain get in the way

Will I sleep tonight?

Can I tell my friends I will be there for sure?


Reading blogs and books on supplements and what mitochondria do and on how to take care of your liver, becoming familiar with milk thistle and adaptogens, buying the stuff the biohacking guys swear by, cutting out dairy and wondering if you also need to cut out sugar and wheat and nightshades too...wondering “do I have candida” or “maybe it is a genetic mutation” or “maybe I need enzymes”....

The never ending list of possible causes occupying time and space in your head and your body until you honestly orient every activity in some way around what your body can do, will do or may do…

Then, the more you research, the bigger it gets, on top of all that, it is special meditations for fear, the mantra work...

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Are you in an abusive relationship with your body?

lifeforce Dec 04, 2020

Are you in an abusive relationship with your body? Or maybe perhaps it is in one with you?

Ever considered the tone of your relationship with your body? It is just as key as the relationship with your kids, your spouse, your friends, family and more, yet, we rarely evaluate it, have hardly ever seen someone go to a therapist because of it, and yet, if we examine what that relationship really consists of, in many cases, it is classic abuse.

Do you ignore when your body tells you it is done and push past it every time? 

Do you tell yourself things like Why are you so fat? Why can’t you just get it done? What’s wrong with you? 

Do you say mean things to your body parts...I hate my belly, thighs, arms, hips?

Do you restrict food and do it because you know you will lose control, or eat the wrong things or make bad choices or need to lose weight?

Do you numb out any pain you have with OTC meds, alcohol, and more instead of paying attention to it and trying to...

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No More Blogs!

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2020

Someone told me the other day that she spends 6 hours a day either researching her health, scrolling FB, watching YouTube, or escaping into TV.

Six Hours of distraction….

Think about it, she has spent 6 hours daily (which is not too far off the American average) wasted on nothing...not growing health, not cultivating spirit, not learning a new valuable skill, not becoming a better human...but distracting herself because she feels terrible.

She is tired, is in pain, has an autoimmune disease that the doctors keep ignoring or prescribing antidepressants for, she can’t play with her daughter and as a consequence, her daughter is getting obese and lethargic without mom as an inspiration.  In this case, her exhaustion has gotten to the point where she can’t even work full time because she can’t manage the hours.

Have you ever considered what this level of illness and yet non-illness costs people?  In her case, the 6 hours spent being distracted...

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Beyond Food & Supplements

diet lifeforce supplements Jun 03, 2020

Are you going beyond exhausted?

A few weeks ago after a massive project and tons of family obligations, I found myself beyond exhausted.  As I tried to rest, finding that even laying down felt like it took effort, I reflected on how I used to live in that place.

Where everything made me feel guilty…

My kids wanting to do a museum day and all I could think of was how will I make it through..maybe they have benches

My husband wanting a date night and I couldn’t imagine holding my attention long enough to pretend to take part in a conversation

My friends wanting to meet for coffee and I was wondering if I could bow out easily

So tired that I wanted to cry and yet, not having words to explain to everyone just how tired I was, and feeling like they wouldn’t get it anyway, after all, what did I have to show for just how exhausted I was.

Sure, like everyone, I worked, and shopped, cooked food and did household things, but it's not like I moved...

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