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Case Study - Gretchen O

Uncategorized May 14, 2019

Gretchen O

  • Sleeping after 9 years of insomnia
  • Energy is amazing
  • Headaches are gone
  • Feeling powerful, Strong and on track to continue healing!
  • Has found a deep appreciation for herself and joy and peace too.

“Thank you Dr Julie, you saved my life”

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What kind of memories are you creating?

Uncategorized May 12, 2019

One of the big impacts in my life of having lived so many years exhausted before I really got serious and did something about it was the memories that were created in that time.

Everything from that time has me tired. Those were the formative years for my kids, and their memories of me are going to be Mom was working, she was grocery shopping, she was cooking, she was cleaning, she was bitchy and she was tired.

I spent those years figuring the exhaustion would get better when they just got a little bit older, when my practice got to a smooth place, when we took a vacation, or had a free weekend. I always had these conditions I was placing on the outcome. It will get better when…. and the truth is it never got better.

It never got better until I did something significant, until I altered more than one variable. I tried diets, I tried exercise programs, supplements, yoga, meditation, even hormones.

The point being it didn't get better until I understood what the real...

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What is your body relationship?

Uncategorized May 09, 2019

I remember the day when I really realized what my conversation with my body really was.

Here I was, taking on a crazy schedule, regarding everything as my responsibility,  caretaking for all the people in my life and doing it all fast.

By constantly pushing, I was continually telling my cells and systems “Oh, by the way, you're just one big disappointment to me” and on top of that, my inner voice constantly noticing the flaws .. fat, cellulite,  wrinkles, headaches, joint pain…all seen from the viewpoint of “How can you act this way when I work so hard for us”

This was my message to my divine creation on a daily basis.

Maybe it sounds familiar to you?

See, I really truly believe that our body absolutely has always done exactly what we've asked it to do. Now our ego will distort that and say, I never asked my belly to get big, I never asked my knees to hurt, but we have to take a broader look and really assess the situation for what...

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A common mistake we have all made

Uncategorized May 05, 2019

I once had a patient who lived her life trying to avoid pain. One extreme example came when she had a car accident from a left-hand turn and instead of thinking, well, gosh, I need to look better or I need to slow down, I need to pay attention. Her solution was I'm just never going to go places where I have to make a left turn if I can avoid it.

Instead of owning it, she adopted a complicated, exhausting method as her response. In essence, she built a contraption to avoid feeling pain.

I know it sounds like an extreme and rather odd example, but this methodology is something I see applied all the time when it comes to being tired, inflamed, in pain, foggy-headed, disconnected and out of touch.

We build “contraptions” of thought and belief in our life to make it seem like this really isn't so bad. “See, I've adapted to it, which means it's not impacting my life anymore because I've worked my entire life around it”.

So women tell me that they just no longer...

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Myths Of A Healthy Metabolism

Uncategorized May 02, 2019

Do you believe to have a HIGH metabolism you have to WORK hard for your caloric BURN?

Here’s some TRUTH: Just because you are "burning" lots of calories does not mean your metabolism is HIGH. living in a hyper-adrenaline state (stressed state) your body may require lots of calories but this will not equal a high metabolic rate. A healthy/high metabolic rate will burn lots of calories at REST, supporting all body systems.

There is a difference between a stressed metabolism and a healthy metabolism, despite what almost all health professionals and exercise and weight loss gurus will tell you.  Even though they both may utilize a lot of energy.

The high adrenaline/stress/cortisol/high estrogen state usually comes at the expense of depriving energy to many systems of the body.

When this is true for us, sleep is usually poor, and in addition, we have low libido, anxiety, low concentration, cold body, inability to gain muscle, depression, etc.

People living in a...

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Case Study: Beth

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2019

Beth came to us with 50 extra pounds, exhausted, worn down, not sleeping, angry and sullen often, stressed out and hormonally unbalanced with PMS, menstrual headaches, tendency to migraines, loss of libido and joint pains.

She worked with us for 20 weeks and here is what she experienced: 
Dramatic improvement in energy
Feeling calm, peaceful and joyful again
Sleep much improved
Release of PMS
Release of Headaches
Joint Pain Gone
Weight: moving, but more importantly, she learned that she had been under-feeding herself for YEARS and now, she is in the process of feeding her metabolism and healing it
Her libido is returning (happy husband)
Release of excess estrogen and better Thyroid balance
Return of creativity

Beth is a challenging case, she is working on solving what amounts to 30 years of wear down, considering she was anorexic as a teen, and diagnosed with PCOS then as well. She now gets how to be nourished, how to relax and actually enjoy life and she knows it only gets better...

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Are you settling?

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2019

Just yesterday, I was having a conversation with a client who said... "how many people do you think settle for less than they want because it seems scary, foreign, too hard or out of their norm to do something about it?"  She then said... "imagine how many people never take a leap...do you think it bothers them when they are 80 and realize they always went for usual and never awesome?"

Are you settling? Does it bother you? Do you secretly worry that you will look back at life with regret?

How about changing that now?

We have time set up in the next week to speak to women who refuse to settle, who want amazing and awesome and abundant everything.

If this is you, set up a time with us, let’s see how awesome your life can be.


Dr. Julie
Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

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Case Study - Donna D

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2019

Donna D

  • Regained mobility after being restricted due to inflammatory and autoimmune issues.
  • Learned to put herself first.
  • Spending time going to her daughters games which she previously has got miss because she couldn’t do it.

Ready to make that call?

Click Here To Schedule A Clarity Call

Click Here to join my Private Facebook Group


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Are you stuck in bitchy mode?

Uncategorized Apr 23, 2019

So I was picking up wood-fired pizza the other day, as I'm standing waiting, a family walks in, husband, wife, two girls, the place was packed, they were scouting to see if there were any available spots at the bar. Finding no open space, I catch the wife do this voice that I think every woman has done in her life... it is that almost demonic, angry, but under your breath voice, you know the one I'm talking about, the one that is filled with rage and frustration, but you're also trying to be publicly appropriate and hold it all in.

And I thought to myself, how many times do we get to that place where we're just so overdone that we resort to this part of us, that isn't us.

It's all the surface stuff. You know, that voice for her was probably a long day, kids that had been squabbling, not having had enough sleep, having a low libido, so she hasn't had a good orgasm in who knows how long, spending her life focusing on all the other things.

Then the endless barrage of internal...

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Meditation doesn't stop stress

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2019

Despite what a lot of people think when they hear the word stress, it isn't a need to calm down.

Most think I just need to calm down, I just need more calming space, I just meet need more yoga, meditation, breathwork and essential oils.

But, that's not really what's being called for when we talk about stress response.

Although meditation can be good, although yoga can be good, although breathing can be good, it isn't it.

See, stress is often mistaken for a need for these things because the word is used in so many contexts.

So, we get caught thinking that all of these “stress release” techniques are going to deal with the cellular problem of being stuck in stress mode, but they simply can't.

Stress release techniques are amazing for when we are in a state of overwhelm where we feel like we're being stretched to our limit, they bring us back down closer to an equilibrium point.

The problem is, most people's equilibrium point is 10 notches above their ideal.

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